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October 31, 2004
Worst. Make-out Song. Ever.
Honestly, I'm not just creating argument threads because I got nothin' myself (well, there's some of that, I guess), but I kinda think this is funny.
Okay, so everyone can sorta name their favorite make-out songs. For whatever reason, they work for you. A lot of them probably because they were actually playing one of the first times you fooled around.
But what are the worst make-out songs of all time? Whether because the beat is all wrong, the song is just plain goofy and silly, or because the lyrics are just inappropriate or annoying.
I don't know the worst make-out song, but right now, I'm thinking that it would be sorta a drag to try to make out to Billy Joel's Allentown. You know, it's hard to feel sexy when you're being informed "They're shutting all the factories down."
Tangential Update: I posted this once before, expecting a lot of links, but no one seemed to care.
Patti mentions Puddle of Mudd's She Hates Me as a bad make-out song, although I always sorta like those angry ones.
Anyway, one of the weirdest things I found trolling on the internet (of a non-pornographic nature, I mean) is this site, in which people compulsively compile "X-Men Music Videos" to pop/rock/punk songs, featuring clips from the two movies.
You can view She Hates Me, acted out by Jean, Rogue, and Wolverine there.
I don't know. Am I the only person who finds this bizarre, funny, and kind of endearing simultaneously?
If it were just one guy making these videos, I don't think I'd care. But there are a whole group of people who really feel the need to put Cyclops into Twisted Sister's We're Not Gonna Take It.