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Another Outage, Damnit »
October 27, 2004
Another Kerry Football Folly
What the hell is it with this guy?
Rude joke follows. You've been warned.
This guy catches a football like a virgin with pinkeye catches a money shot. For crying out loud, you feel almost bad for throwing the ball to him in the first place. You think maybe you should have been more of a gentleman and just tossed it into a Kleenex. Less crying that way.
Never trust a man who sleeps with his eyes open or shuts them when catching a ball.
It's just not right.
H/t to StreetGOP. He's got some cool stories about the missile defense shield and why it will work, and Madonna and why she can't act.
And Yet He Keeps His Eyes Open For This Update: Like I said: what the hell is it with this guy?