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October 25, 2004
Shock: Red Sox SuperFan John Kerry Gets the Score Wrong, Twice
GregoryS is apparently looking for a job with the Football Fans for Truth guys, because he sends this over:
During most of the first two games of the World Series (news - web sites), the Massachusetts senator has been on a plane flying between the swing states where he's seeking a presidential victory. But when he's tried to keep up with the baseball scores, he's had three strikes.
Twice on Sunday, the Democrat said he was basking in Boston's 10-9 win in Game 1 the night before.
Problem is, the Red Sox won 11-9.
"Ten-9, the Sox did fabulous," Kerry said with a big smile as he ducked into church Sunday morning in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Inside, the minister had asked worshippers to clap "if the Lord has done anything wonderful in your life this week," and Kerry applauded.
"Coming from Boston, I had a special reason to clap," Kerry explained to the congregation when he took the pulpit. "The Red Sox won 10-9."
What is it with this guy with a chick-level interest in sports and his constant numerological retardation? Maybe he's hitting the Chivas & Grape Kool-Aid again.