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No Matter How the Debate Went . . . »
October 01, 2004
The Debate
Last night's debate. Kerry wins. Had to win. No knock-out. Bush tired. Maybe he shouldn't have visited hurricane-ravaged Florida. Podium to low. Smirks. Kerry not so orange in dim lights. Presidential.
Makes . . me . . . wanna' . . . kick . . . teeth in.
Look. Bush is what he is and he isn't going to come up with a dazzling menagerie to say what he has to say, which is relatively simple.
"Stay the course. Oh, and Longface John Silver over here is a fuckin' liar."
He can rattle a few facts, remember some dates, use a zinger, even make a backhand when Mr. Carnival-Mirror Chin screws up (i.e., "global test").
But even then, Bush doesn't make the crosscourt beautiful.
It's just not in him.
So he says, "Let me -- I'm not exactly sure what you mean, "passes the global test," you take preemptive action if you pass a global test. My attitude is you take preemptive action in order to protect the American people, that you act in order to make this country secure."
That's Bush-speak for "Look, you Ron Perleman-looking clown, I never passed a whole lot of tests, but you are a man a hair away from sniffing Chirac's panties."
It's tough to fill 90 minutes with that attitude.
Wait until domestic policy.
How the hell is he going to fill 90 minutes with "I cut the shit out of taxes, Dudley DoRight. What of it?"