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September 16, 2004
Shadowy Links?
I personally don't put much stock in "shadowy links." People know each other, okay?
But, since the New York Times was so very, very interested in the "murky connections" between the SwiftVets and Republican lawyers, I think I should tip them in the direction of this "shadowy link:"
The one guy you know. The other guy you'll soon know-- he's David Van Os, Bill Burkett's lawyer.
Now, get to work uncovering those shadowy links, New York Times!
Thanks to Ted, who really kicked ass with that one.
Shadowy Link Uncovered: Apparently the noted former-Bush-supporter Burkett served as head of the Steering Committee for David Van Os campaign for Texas Party Chair.
Does this mean anything?
Well, maybe not. But the New York Times thinks it's proof of conspiracy if two Republicans share the same bus locker.
And it does mean that Burkett is and always has been a partisan Democrat-- so the New York Times and Boston Globe and CBS can knock it off with that "Bush supporter" bullshit straightaway.
More Shadowy Links: See-Dubya sends this along, from the San Antonio Express News on May 27th.
David Van Os, a candidate for the Texas Supreme Court, was endorsed Wednesday by former Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean.
"Besides our efforts to evict George W. Bush from the White House, we must expand the base of the Democratic Party by competing in tough races across the nation," Dean said Wednesday.
Van Os, a San Antonio lawyer, is running for Place 9 on the state's highest court against Republican incumbent Scott Brister in November.
Dean, a former Vermont governor, recently founded Democracy for America, a political action committee dedicated to building grass-roots support for "socially progressive, fiscally conservative candidates at all levels of government."
Dean plans to endorse a dozen candidates every two weeks. The list can be found at www.democracyforamerica.com/DeanDozen.
Look, seems to me we have a Democratic lawyer with not-so-shadowy links to a man who sent forged documents to Sixty Minutes in an effort to defraud the American public out of an election.
I'm sure the New York Times will get right on the case.
Right on it. The Times will be all over this like sweat on Oliver Willis' back.