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August 29, 2004
Iraqi Terrorists Kidnap Two Frenchmen
...to protest France's ban on Islamic headscarves in school.
Okay, let me get this straight: Terrorists hate us because we're arrogant, we're pro-Israel, and we're too gung-ho to fight terrorists.
So... um, why go after the French? All right, I'll give you the arrogance, but no one can accuse this nation of je ne se qua Jew-hatin' of being pro-Israel, nor can they accuse any Frenchman of having an insufficient regard for his own personal safety.
Maybe our "Chimpresident" is sorta on to something when he says they just plain hate us, and fill their maniac minds with all sorts of toxic lunacies that justify any violent, evil acts they perpetrate against non-Muslims (or non-lunatic Muslims, for that matter).