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August 29, 2004
Shock: Josh Marshall Does Not "Question the Timing" of Pentagon "Spy" Leak
Different verse, same as the first. When the leak damages conservatives, talk about the damaging information revealed by the leak; when the leak damages liberals, talk about the leak itself, and how improper and partisan it was.
Just One Minute tries heroically to "question the timing," but finds such childish distractions beneath him.
Via Instapundit.
Related by "Shadowy Connections:" Hyperpartisan hack Josh Marshall -- just last week telling us that the official records should be taken as authoritative, and whining that we're dredging up 35 year old allegations from embittered partisans -- apparently sees no hypocrisy in once again peddling the stale and unsubstantiated allegations of a former Democratic Texas Lt. Governor against a young George W. Bush.
If the SwiftVets are suspect simply because they donated to and voted for Republicans over the years, what the hell do we make of an actual Democratic politician?
Let me guess-- his allegations are self-substantiating, right?
Incidentally... I think spying for Israel is a bad thing and ought to be punished pretty severely. Obviously, spying for an ally isn't as bad as spying for an enemy, but it's still a very serious crime. Junior-level staffers don't get to execute their own foreign policy just because they've got some level of official clearance.
My point isn't that this is some trifle that ought to be minimized. My point is simply that liberals never seem to "question the timing" of leaks that aid their cause.
I think all of this "question the timing"/"distract us from the real issues" crap is childishly partisan. Problems should be dealt with when they are learned of. If a leak brings a problem to the public attention earlier than it otherwise might have been brought, bully for the leak. Thanks for giving us an early head's up.
That's precisely the position that hyperpartisan hack Josh Marshall takes on any leak that helps liberals and hurts conservatives. If only he would take that position in a politically-neutral way as regards all leaks.