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August 19, 2004
Records Counter WaPo's Claim that Records Counter SwiftVets
All the official documentation in the world couldn't disprove the Bush AWOL charge as far as our objective media were concerned.
A citation based on a falsified report written by John Kerry is, however, plenty to "counter" the SwiftVets' allegations.
More of the same here.
And another article pointing out that John Kerry's own diary flatly contradicts his claim of being under hostile fire when he suffered his first "wound."
This last bit is absolute dynamite. I don't even think the media can manage to miss the powerfully clear evidence that Kerry lied, from John Kerry's own diary.
But I expect they'll do their level-best to miss it.
Perhaps John Kerry's diary is also a "Republican lawyer from Texas." That might explain the diary's nasty, partisan dishonesty.