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August 10, 2004
No Alert on Las Vegas Fears
Non-Timing of Non-Alert Said to be "Suspicious"
I can't wait for Oliver Willis and Josh Etc. Marshall to start spinning this, in perfect contradiction of their previous positions ("Alerts are bad; they do nothing but scare us and gin up pro-Bush support").
The fact that they haven't yet commented is evidence that even they are aware how tricky it will be to make hay out of this. They're both right now trying to figure out how they can now say "No alerts=politically timed" whereas they've been screaming "Alerts=politically timed" for at least a year.
Well, Marshall is trying to figure out how to argue that, at least. Oliver Willis is just eating Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, waiting for Josh Marshall to comment either way. Then he'll just link him and parrot him.
Update! Oh, Yeahhh!: Oliver Willis doesn't just drink the Kool-Aid, he's become the Kool-Aid.
Why wasn't I notified immediately?
Update to the Update! Oliver Willis is crying racism because, supposedly, blacks are said to be fond of "red" Kool Aid.
I am amused by Willis' casting of this insult into less-insulting terms. He prefers to think he's easily likened to the Kool Aid guy because he's black. He finds that nicer than the truth, and I don't blame him.
No, Oliver, you're being likened to the Kool Aid Jug Guy because you're 1) morbidly obese and 2) you've drank the Kool Aid, Jim Jones style.
But mostly, I think, because you're fat. Almost 90% that one.
Actually, 100% that one. The Jim Jones thing is just a "distraction" from the "real issue," which is that you're a big fat fatty-head. With a weight problem.
How I wish that when people criticized or insulted me I could just deny the obvious reason for the attack and blame it, through some self-defensive and convoluted reasoning, as "actually" being an attack on my race.
PS: The partisan hack Atrios apparently just discovered the racial slur database that Willis uses as his evidence of racism. Just another example of Willis parroting the words of others.
Remember-- this is the idiot who coined the (unfunny) expression "The Right Wing Wurltizer" to describe conservatives aping the talking points of other conservative bloggers and/or pols/hacks. The guy who uses "Wurlitzer" as an insult (not that that really makes any sense, when you think about it) himself does nothing except link and parrot the thoughts of others.
If any Willis readers are here (actually, I suspect Willis is here occasionally, since he suddenly has a Batman Begins link without any attribution), I pose the Willis Challenge:
Please link in the comments a post of Willis' in which he makes an observation or argument which is both original and substantive. The only seem to see hack, kneejerk sarcasm -- which is pretty easy to do, and I should know -- and parroting the talking points established by others.
Yet Another Teenage Update: Bill from INDC fisks the racial slur database -- some of these are just ridiculous; I can't believe that anyone every called a black person a "Sleestak" (the lizard creatures from Land of the Lost). Anyone calling blacks "Sleestaks" is obviously just not serious enough about his racism.
Sleestaks? Sleestaks? What on earth would be the point of such an insult? To make yourself look like a retard?
There's a good punchline at the end of Bill's post. Turns out Filet-O-Fish is guilty of vicious racial insensitivity himself.
And, in related news, Margaret Cho is complaining about racial insensitivity directed towards Asians. Apparently some people have taken to calling Asians "Mon Calamari," despite the fact that they are neither red nor especially lobster-looking:
She's also upset that some have taken to calling homosexuals "Uruk Hai," as in "Hey, look, there are some of those queerie Uruk Hai; let us harass them and steal their armor."