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August 04, 2004
Terror Plans Updated As Recently as Spring
Democrats Charge Al Qaeda's Casing of NY Buildings "Suspiciously Timed" to Undercut Their Lunatic Anti-Bush Charges; Demand Answers to Questions, "What did al-Zawahiri know, and when did he know it?"
The liberals are shocked to learn that we actually are at war:
The FBI is monitoring suspected Al Qaeda operatives and members of two allied terror groups in the New York City area, the FBI's New York director said yesterday.
Law enforcement sources also said there are indications that the terrorists who cased financial towers in New York, Newark and Washington may have updated their files as recently as this spring.
Two interrelated points:
1. Democrats are constantly claiming that we have not made ourselves safer thusfar in the war on terror. And yet they obviously believe that Al Qaeda is a phantasmal threat, a phoney fear, ginned up by Bush for political gain. So which is it, guys: Is there a threat or isn't there? If there's not, then you can't claim we're not safer. If there is, you might want to stop claiming that we have nothing to fear but four more years of Bush.
2. Democrats also want us to believe they take terrorism just as seriously as the GOP does, or even more seriously. If they're so serious about the threat of terrorism, why is it that there are prominent Democrats and high-ranking Kerry advisors alleging, off the record, that all of these warnings are false and politically motivated? How can one claim to take a threat "seriously" when Howard Dean is on Hardball alleging there isn't a threat at all, and Kerry's top advisors are feeding conspiracy-theories to the gullible liberal press?
Wouldn't it demonstrate "seriousness about terror" to, you know, actually demonstrate seriousness about terror? The Democrats speak the words that they take this threat seriously, but their body-language, tone, frame of mind, and off-the-record comments display, every single day, that they do not.
We have two choices in November: the 9-11 Party or the 9-10 Party.
Meanwhile, The Belgravia Dispatch notes that the liberal media is doing some "updating" of their own alleged intelligence.
Update: Ever since John Kerry began demanding that the entire Congress be called back for a special session to enact the alleged reforms suggested by the 9-11 panel (btw, the Committees are already back in session, examining the recommendations), I've wondered:
Will John Kerry himself return for this special session?
Aldaynet wonders too, and he's got some good quotes from people who also wonder.
And Alphabet City has a run-down on the truly global crack-down now in full swing, all of which is "suspiciously timed" to disrupt Al Qaeda's operations.