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August 03, 2004
Which SAT's Did He Take?
Oh, yeah, that SAT question:
Kerry doesn't let an appearance go by without noting that People magazine once named Edwards the sexiest politician in the country. Between Edwards and Affleck, he said in Wheeling, "I kind of feel like that SAT question: 'Which one of these is different?' "
I don't remember any "Which of these things is not like the others?" questions on my SAT's. I do remember such questions, but from Sesame Street and Kindergarten fun-time quizzes.
Brilliantly Nuanced and Complex Intellectual John Kerry hopes to point out further "SAT questions" in the coming weeks, such as:
Compare and Contrast the following two items: 1) Your ass, 2) a hole in the ground.
TRUE OR FALSE: It is safe and fun to take a pair of scissors and jam them into your soft palate.
ODD/EVEN NUMBERS: Identify whether each of the following are EVEN (evenly divisible by 2), ODD (not evenly divisible by 2), or NOT A NUMBER at all:
a) 2
b) 7
c) 31
d) an antelope
e) 4
f) former LA Dodgers pitching great Fernando Venezeula
g) 336
h) Emilio Estevez
i) 52
j) the bassline of KISS's Lick it Up
Do bears shit in the woods? a) Yes b) No c) It cannot be determined from the information provided.
Would you like a cookie? a) Yes b) No c) It cannot be determined from the information provided.
Should we have gone to war with Iraq? a) Yes b) No c) It cannot be determined from the information provided.
Hat-tip to NRO's The Corner.
More: Da Goddess is also featuring some "SAT questions," apparently from the "Can you guess what I'm thinking?" section (which, if memory serves, followed the Antonyms).