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July 30, 2004
Maybe Time for a Haiku Contest?
How about another haiku contest? They can be about Kerry, the convention, or the campaign generally; if there are enough entrants about a particular subject, like Oliver Willis, Joshy Marshall, or Andrew Sullivan, I'll spin off separate categories for those, too.
Lauraw offers the opening entrant, I guess in the General Election category:
Wild Reeds dancing in Summer Storm
Global warming ends
When Kerry is elected;
Teresa's nucking futs
No loose shit/integrity categories this time; that was just a big pain in the ass last time around, as I had to sit there counting syllables to make sure "integrity" entries had the right number. Just make it look vaguely like a real haiku and it's close enough.
I'll keep the contest open until Wednesday, then announce winners on Friday.
Or something.
Winners will be chosen by a celebrity (ahem) panel of myself, Smitty, Johnny Coldcuts (assuming he's alive), Geoffrey the Duck, and perhaps a special mystery guest judge of surpassing "conscious" and integrity.