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July 25, 2004
Sullivan Update
An extended excerpt was added to the original post below at Allah's request.
Also, despite having written this endorsement of Kerry, Sullivan's website so far makes no mention at all of it, and does not yet link it.
Update: He's now linked his Kerry endorsement, as well as (yet another) tirade against Bush for "dividing" this country by raising an issue that does, in fact, divide the country.
Liberals' calls for unity always seem to involve conservatives yielding on important disagreements to liberals in the interests of "uniting us." Oddly enough, it never seems to occur to these ultra-unitarians that unity could also be had by liberals conceding "divisive" issues to conservatives.
Update: AllahPundit is crowing about picking July 30th as the day Sullivan would come out of the Kerry closet (see first comment). Not perfectly bang-on, but the best prediction of the lot.
Frankly, I don't know I avoided picking a date myself. I think I just was mad that others were horning in on my favorite indoor sport, Extreme Sullivan Precognition.