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July 23, 2004
Kerry Website "Inadvertently Discards" Terrorist Strategy Points Suggested by Sandy Berger
AllahPundit told me that it just gets better.
He was right.
Also via Allah, this bit of blogger reportage. Claiming inside information, he says that Gartergate is much worse than has been reported so far.
Is what he says true? I have no idea. Is it responsible to link it? Again, I don't know.
But then, Josh Marshall makes claims of similar drama five times a week, and some people still treat him as someone who should be taken seriously.
Plus, the story does have one indica of authenticity: He quotes FBI agents calling Berger "a total asshole," which seems about right.
I suppose the Washington Post would object to my linking this thinly-sourced report; I would just suggest to them that they add "Could this be a coincidence?" to the end of the post to make everything copacetic.
And then there's this. Chapomatic decides to get in on the fun and pilfers a document from the National Archives; the document turns out to be a 1950's era training film on the "Berger Method" of securely storing top-secret documents in one's trousers.
I understand that Chapomatic is now "fully cooperating" with the FBI.