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July 22, 2004
Margaret Cho Disinnvited From Dem Convention Gathering
Good lord, I hate Margaret Cho so much...

I mean, just look at her fat face, her dead eyes, her China-doll bob haircut, her...
Oh, wait. That's Linda Ronstadt. Or... is it? They share the same politics and the same lifelong love-affair with Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey. How can we be so sure they're not the same useless person?
Thanks to Allah for pointing me in the direction of this.
At any rate:
BOSTON (AP) -- Fearing something of a Whoopi effect, edgy comedian Margaret Cho has been uninvited from headlining a gay and lesbian unity event scheduled to coincide with the Democratic National Convention.
Right away, a typo. The word is spelled "PUDGY," not "edgy."
The Human Rights Campaign, one of 10 gay and lesbian organizations hosting the Unity 2004 event in Boston on Monday, rescinded its invitation to Cho after officials there decided her material might take the focus off gay issues.
Errr... have you idiots ever heard her act? Her material is nothing but gay issues.
Another martyr. Cripes. We'll never hear the end of this.