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July 17, 2004
Andrew Sullivan Emotional/Physical State Update of the Day
As you are all well aware, not a moment goes by that I don't wonder myself, "Gosh, how is Andrew Sullivan's emotional and/or physical state at this very moment?"
Luckily for all of us, he keeps us constantly informed.
As I know each of you are similarly fixated on Andrew Sullivan's hour-by-hour emotional and physical status, I'll be instituting this new feature to keep you abreast of how Mr. Sullivan is feeling at any particular moment.
DIAGNOSIS: Illness appears brought on by "fear of gays":
"Reading how the GOP hopes to use fear of gays to rev up their base across the country really makes me feel ill."
This is terrible news indeed. I hope we won't have to wait long to hear that Andrew is feeling better.
I'm confident, however, that the wait will not be long at all.
Oh, by the way. Completely, utterly unrelated, but here's a good SAT word you can impress your friends with:
Main Entry: so·lip·sism
Pronunciation: 'sO-l&p-"si-z&m, 'sä-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin solus alone + ipse self
: a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing
so·lip·sist /'sO-l&p-sist, 'sä-l&p-, s&-'lip-/ noun
so·lip·sis·tic /"sO-l&p-'sis-tik, "sä-/ adjective
so·lip·sis·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb