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Iraqi's Defense Minister: Zarqawi Seeking Saddam's WMD's »
July 11, 2004
Sunday News Dump
Paris woman & thirteen-month-old infant attacked by Muslim thugs.
The attack was motivated by antisemitism. Swastikas were drawn all over the woman's body in pen.
Turns out neither was Jewish.
If the French don't mind a few anti-Jew attacks, perhaps they'll care a bit more when Muslim thugs begin attacking non-Jews in the mornoic mistaken belief that anyone not wearing a turban is a Jew.
And speaking of anti-Jew attacks, Yasser "In the Closet" Arafat hints that the latest terrorist attack to take an Israeli life was conducted by, you guessed it, Israelis.
I think he just earned himself an interview in Michael Moore's next film-flam.
The former President of USF, now running as a Democratic candidate for Senator, faces tough questions about why she kept Palestinian terrorist Sami Al-Arian on the payroll for so long.
Canada's arrogance: Whiny, bitchy Canadian boy won't shovel pidgeon-shit during a charity refurbishing of a house, attempting to pawn off the work on American girls, stating that Americans "are better" at shoveling pidgeon-shit.
Well. It's nice that we're finally credited with having some skills.
I don't think we have to worry about Canada invading us anytime soon. They seem to be breeding a nation of sissies (albeit of the nastier variety) up north.
I wish them well in their socially-engineered sissification project.
Weird. Jack Idema goes to Afghanistan, claiming to be a Green Beret, and sets up his own vigilante anti-"terrorist" squad, arresting Afghans left and right and holding them in his private prison.
Turns out Idema is nuts and that the Afghans he seized were innocent.
Jeff Jacoby revisits the "16 words" non-scandal about Iraq's efforts to buy uranium from Africa.
Four Marines died in a "vehicle accident" yesterday. The headline says they were "killed," which I think intentionally and misleadingly suggests they were killed by enemy action. It doesn't seem as if enemy action was involved (if it was, I don't see why the words "vehicle accident" are in the article), and so I think this is yet another case of the media intentionally misleading the public.
Of course, it's a tragedy no matter how they died. And they served bravely whether they were felled by a vehicle accident or by an enemy rocket. My point is just that the media shouldn't deliberately attempt to portray their deaths as the direct result of terrorist attacks.
Okay, this article is all about the Republican's efforts to draft Mike Ditka.
I have no interest in this story, because I don't think that Ditka will give up his lucrative career and his non-partisan-beloved status just to pull the Illinois Republicans' fat out of the fire. I think the whole thing is just us kidding ourselves.
Everything in this article is about the Republicans approaching Ditka. Never Ditka approaching the Republicans.
On the other hand, Iron Mike hasn't issued a public "no." Nor, apparently, even a private no, if the absence of evidence can be taken as evidence of absence.
What happens if Mike Ditka does in fact run, and the Democrats respond by forcing Obama out and bringing in their own ringer in the form of Michael Jordan?
Now that would be a race worth watching.
No tears from Ace on this one. Five young "Frenchmen" (no, ahem, other details supplied) lost eyes and arms when a bomb they were constructing from an Internet recipe detonated.
I know many born-again Christians don't believe in evolution, but there's your proof of Darwinism in action right there. Case closed.