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July 10, 2004
Joe Wilson: Liar
And his wife's a partisan hack.
Read the whole thing. It's damning. This son of a bitch has been lying about virtually everything to do with this matter since the beginning.
Partisan Hack? Some readers want to know where I get off calling Plame a "partisan hack." I get it from this:
The report said Plame told committee staffers that she relayed the CIA's request to her husband, saying, "there's this crazy report" about a purported deal for Niger to sell uranium to Iraq.
Seems to me that Plame decided the report (now verified by Lord Butler as likely true) was "crazy" without having any information about it, then recommened her husband -- closely aligned with the liberal, anti-war wing of the Democratic party, and clearly not a straight shooter on any of these issues from the beginning -- as a "reliable" agent for knocking the report down.
Conclusions first, evidence second, no?
No one can argue that Joe Wilson was a unbiased, disinteresed, objective arbiter on this question. Plame decided, on first blush, that the report was "crazy." She connived to have her liberal hack husband "investigate" the report. And by relaying the agency's request by stating that the claim that he was being tasked to investigate was "crazy,", she was letting her husband know in no uncertain terms which way she expected his report to come out.
You might not call this behavior partisan -- perhaps she's merely incompetent -- but I do.