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July 09, 2004
Sullivan Can't Claim "He Didn't Know"
On the off chance that Sullivan plans a Sergeant Schultz defense on the topic of outing closeted gays who transgress against the cause, I sent him the following email:
With all due respect, you have been one of the most strident voices on the issue of sexual privacy.
Now a gay advocate is set to begin outing closeted pols and their aids whom he deems insufficiently strident in support of gay marriage (Barbara Mikulski was just outed by your old pal Micheangelo Signorie), and yet you've remained conspicuously silent for three days running.
Do the ends justify the means? If so, don't you think you have an obligation to announce this belief, rather than concealing it, as you did your support of John Kerry?
For someone whose stock in trade is providing opinions, you sure do suddenly seem to lack for them when it's politically convenient.
I don't expect a reply. And I certainly don't expect to be chosen as Email of the Day.