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June 28, 2004
Chutzpah Award: Jacques Chirac
Not only a fuckin' prick, but an absurd one:
ISTANBUL, Turkey -- French President Jacques Chirac said Monday that President Bush went "too far" by saying the European Union should admit Turkey, and he added that Bush commenting on Turkish-EU relations was like a French leader commenting on U.S.-Mexican ties.
"If President Bush really said that in the way that I read, then not only did he go too far, but he went into territory that isn't his," Chirac said.
"It's a bit like if I told the United States how they should manage their relations with Mexico."
It's also a bit like the French telling the United States how we should "manage our relations" with Iraq.
So, let me get this straight: France is free to comment upon all US foreign policuy questions, and in fact actively impede us at every turn, even when the "territory" in question does not belong to France.
The US, on the other hand, is supposed to remain silent on French foreign policy.
Got it.
As The Rock would say, it's time for Jacques Chirac to pour himself a nice tall glass of shut-up juice.
And I think Dick Cheney might have a suggestion as to how he might spend his spare time.
Little poodle-dogs like Chirac continue to yip and yelp, and yet the caravan keeps movin' on.
More: Bonassus has a good discussion, including France's belief that it can butt into US-Latin American relations when it sees fit.