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June 25, 2004
Gore in 1992: Saddam a Terrorist, on a Crash-Program to Develop WMD's
Brit Hume played a videotape version of this audio yesterday.
Instapundit says it "sounds genuine." I can confirm the video looked genuine as well, unless the Bush Administration has recrited Industrial Light and Magic to insert a CGI Al Gore into a Larry King town-hall-style interview.
But who knows. Who could tell the difference?
The quote is especially tasty because it features Al Gore attacking the first President Bush on Iraq-- from the right, arguing he wasn't doing enough to end Saddam's alliance with terrorists and his unending quest for an atomic bomb.
And as you all probably know, Al Gore called his internet critics "digital brownshirts" in his speech yesterday.
Do we on the right have any further obligation to refrain from inflammatory attacks on Gore and the liberals generally?
Someone please tell me why the right should refrain from calling the left what it is -- unpatriotic, terrorist-sympathizing, anti-American, and frequently anti-human as well -- when a former US Vice President and candidate for President is now calling those who dissent from his leftist worldview Nazis.
Update: Andunie has A Big Ginormous Post with all of the relevant quotes-- Gore's speech, the 9-11 Commission's statements, links to two important Steven Hayes articles I haven't read yet (oops), etc.
I Know That I Can Get This Dead Horse to Move Through Repeated Blows to Its Ass Update: Bill "City Slickers" Kristol compares and contrasts the Times' infamous June 17th editorial with its June 25th newsreport.
Yeah, yeah. We all already know this. It's still fun.