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Accidental Admission Watch »
June 21, 2004
Cathy Seipp deals with this jackassery in the last paragraph of this post.
Thanks to Way Off Base, who considers this photo as about as gay as you can possibly get, despite the fact it depicts a pregnant straight couple.
The dividing line between liberal and conservative as regards sexual mores has less and less to do with actual sexual practices. It's more about taste and dignity and simple ludicrousness.
Can pregnant women be beautiful? Probably, especially as regards one's own wife. But do they have to be beautiful in the Los Angeles Times? There's a very creepy evangelistic aspect to these people. They have a very weird need to share their sexuality with you, no matter how much we all encourage them to "share amongst themselves."
Nudists are more eager to convince you of the beauty of their bodies (despite the often-compelling visual evidence to the contrary) than weed-enthusiasts are to convince you that we can build space shuttles out of hemp.