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June 21, 2004
Industrial Production Index Tops Clinton's Eight-Year Peak
While the media's been busy boycotting the boom, it turns out that industrial activity has now zoomed past the highest point achieved during Clinton's "Miracle Economy":
The industrial production index, which measures the physical output of the nation’s mines, factories, and utilities, has surpassed the Clinton-era peak of June 2000, according to a Federal Reserve report released this week. The index topped at 116.373 under Clinton. The May 2004 reading (116.947) was the 20th monthly increase since the index hit its trough (109.108) in December 2001.
Terrific news-- our burgeoning industrial output has actually helped eased the price of cowbells. Although I've had to wait weeks for it (there is a large back-order), I can finally offer some small cowbell.
The cowbell should be big based on this news, but this is the best I can manage. Cowbell factories are currently more overworked than the world-famous Nog mines of Pennsylvania during the high-demand Christmas eggnog season.