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June 18, 2004
Update on Terrorist-Shooting Video
Big Dick sent me this video. It's the same one I posted earlier in the week, only this one is of a much better video-quality.
And you can see on the basis of this video that the Marines or Army didn't just shoot two or three shots. Looks like at least two three-shot burts, but I'm not in the military and so I'm just guessing. Still great fire discipline-- all shots land within a foot of the target.
Some readers objected to the "happy dance" over this terrorists' death. Be advised that Big Dick isn't exactly regretful about the death, so that might annoy you.
I'm sorry to be posting such macabre stuff a second time, but this new video does actually refute my claim of only two or three shots, so I actually think I have to provide the link.
Be warned: The better video quality makes this more graphic than the original video.