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June 15, 2004
Did Kerry's Election Prospects Just Go "Boom"?
I covered this earlier, but this piece puts it into such dramatic terms that I have to hit it again:
Hiring Plans Near Boom Levels-- Survey
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. companies are gearing up to create jobs at rates not seen since the height of the 1990s boom, a survey released on Tuesday showed, adding to evidence that job growth will keep the U.S. economic recovery rolling.
Thirty percent of polled U.S. employers plan to add to their payrolls in the July to September period, the survey by Manpower Inc. showed. That is up from 20 percent a year earlier and 28 percent in the April to June period.
The survey hit its highest level of 35 percent in 2000, powered by the Internet-fueled boom.
The highest level was 35%. We're now at 30%.
That's not too shabby.
But it gets better:
Far fewer companies now plan to lay off employees, the survey showed, making the net year-over-year increase in employers planning to create jobs the largest in the history of the Manpower survey, which was started in 1976.
At some point, one hopes the rest of the media starts to take notice of all these "largest in history" achievements of the Bush Boom.
"It is at levels that were in place pre-recession," Manpower Chief Executive Jeffrey Joerres said in a telephone interview. "As more stability is occurring in demand, they (companies) look at their future saying, 'I am feeling good.' They have gotten off the fence to start hiring."
"If you look at the overall atmosphere, we still have geopolitical issues, we have an election year," Joerres said. "But companies are looking at their own business and saying, 'even with the noise I have to do something to expand my business."'
That's the actual headline of the piece, by the way. Finally, someone has used the "B" word (boom), even if caveated with the "near-" prefix.
And it gets better. That report comes from Reuters.
How the hell did they let this story sneak through?
Double-secret cowbell for the word "boom" finally slipping into a major-media headline:

Update! My sources tell me (my sources are dudes posting on Free Republic) that an Ipsos-Public poll shows the public increasing their evaluation of Bush's handling of the economy (page four).