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June 08, 2004
Good News From Iraq
The liberal media says that Reagan's death will help Bush by driving Iraq off the front page.
That shows their bias. They just can't comprehend that there's actually good news concerning Iraq that Bush would like to see publicized.
Doesn't matter much, though. Whether Reagan died or not, the media wouldn't cover the good news.
France and Germany will support compromise resolution on Iraq which does not contain the absurd provision that the Iraqi government should have a veto over US troops. The resolution is expected to pass unanimously.
This is pretty big. This legitimizes the Iraqi government. When the pricks of Europe want to bash Iraq, they'll no longer be bashing America, but the Iraqis themselves. That should force a change in their behavior.
The new Iraqi Prime Minister (how nice those three words sound together) disbanded all of illegal political militas. Al Sadr "rejects" the order to disband, but that just shows how marginalized he is; all the other militias agreed to disband.
This is big again. America doesn't relish the role of always playing the heavy in Iraqi internal security matters. It's important for Iraqis to understand that they just can't blame America for their ills. There is a problem in Iraq, and that problem has to be solved by Iraqis, with assistance from Americans. This move seems to signal a responsible politics emerging in Iraq.
And, for those who wanted a show of gratitude from the Iraqis, the Iraqi Prime Minister provided such a show, as did the Foreign Minister when addressing the UN.
Not that there's any chance you'll hear about that anywhere except the extremist rightwing media.