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Sadly, A "Very Large Number" of Sadrists Were Killed Last Night »
May 25, 2004
Amnesty International: Keep Abu Ghraib Standing
They say they want to keep it standing to help document Saddam-era crimes.
That strikes me as farcical. The walls may have ears, but they don't have dictaphones or microrecorders.
Amnesty International probably wants to keep Abu Ghraib open in order to make it a museum of American "war crimes." They want a permanent shrine to American "evil."
I didn't think that there was any great reason to demolish the prison before. I agreed with Charles Krauthammer that it was an unnecessary tenth apology that just kept feeding Arab resentment-- and convincing them of the effectiveness of their slaughter-and-then-bitch-about-the-consequences terrorism/PR strategy.
Now I agree with Bush. If Amnesty International wants it up, I want it down.