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Friday Overnight Open Thread (2/7/25) »
February 07, 2025
Super Bowl Weekend Cafe

Budapest by Agi Noszek
I saw that you can watch the Super Bowl on Tubi, if you sign up for an account. I'll acknowledge it this year because they're taking the "End Racism" propaganda out of the end zones.
ICYMI: Beluga has a crush on one of her caretakers, but doesn't like the rest of them.
It's unclear how the Dicknose Antelope got its name. Some say the term "dicknose" might be derived from an Old Dutch word meaning "cockschnozz."
Swish, I think. It's such a long shot I can't tell.
More breaking the ice away.
Canine jealousy.
Secret doors! My knowledge of secret doors comes from the Hardy Boys. I know all houses that feature secret doors are subject to fake "hauntings," usually by counterfeiters or other criminals who threaten and chase children but never actually kill them.
"The Boy Scout Tree."
River gorge in Vietnam.
Fun with odometers!!!!
Hero horse saves his owner from being squashed by another horse who's too clingy.
Rescuing a young elephant from a deep hole. He comes back to say "Thank you."
The acuteness of a dog's hearing.
Out of control. Just out of control.
Lion acts all cute and cuddly to lure its prey.
Cat-like reflexes.
When the Almighty takes care of your 7-Eleven tab.
Relaxing at the end of a busy week.
German shepherd smothers master's sneezes.
Rambunctious cows.
Beluga whale gets its ball back.
Elephant returns girl's shoe.
Men and women are identical in every way, including in mechanical/spacial reasoning ability.
Goats are just walking all over this guardian dog.
Steve Inman:
Vehicular arrest.
On Rumble: Best of your favorite type of Inman vid. Violence warning. And more like that.
He got KO'd by a Wa-Wa.
Knocked out by Nike.
First the Sowing Phase, which is fun, and then the Reaping Phase, which is not. One of the hardest run-downs of a thug he's shown. Also a shooting at the end. Content warning.
Tired and re-tired.