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August 22, 2024

The Morning Report — 8/22/24


Good morning kids. As Ace reported late yesterday, there is considerable scuttlebutt that RFK Jr, might actually endorse Donald Trump, perhaps tomorrow. And as our fearless leader said this would be kind of a big deal, were it to happen. Going back several months, when he decided to run as an independent given the fact that the party that is or at least was synonymous with his family name screwed him over in his quest for the nomination.

Considering that the Democrat Party, which as history shows us with absolute crystal clarity has never been in alignment with America as founded and has been absolutely subsumed now by ideologically-driven venal tyrants whose hatred for this nation as founded and those who are trying to at least attempt to reverse the trajectory of national suicide they and their lot have put us on is out in the open for all who still have eyes and a somewhat open mind to see, and are repulsed by it.

Make no mistake, RFK Jr. was and is at the very least a doctrinaire liberal, if not an outright leftist. His positions on several crucial issues, most notably free speech while certainly admirable and on the right side still did not make him a serious choice as Trump's running mate as some had suggested a while back. But that said, his pedigree still makes those on the other side of the divide sit up and take notice.

The one area that to the best of my knowledge he has been silent on has been both Israel and the eruption of overt anti-semitism here in the states emanating from the top down within his own party and with the base, both Muslims and braindead brainwashed liberals on college campuses, and in full view right outside the DNC itself. Considering his father was gunned down by Sirhan Sirhan, a so-called "Palestinian" angry about the former's unwavering support of Israel. And the irony of what's going on today hits rather close to home for the son, I would think.

With that preamble, my own view of an RFK Jr. Trump endorsement is it can't hurt Trump but it might make quite a few Democrats scratch their heads and mutter Norman Coordinate! (Star Trek reference).

It's not just his endorsement, but all the societal and economic destruction with the world on the verge of global conflict that everyone is feeling, that this would underscore. That is, it's the fault of Biden-Harris.

For all the recent finger-wagging between Democrats and Republicans over who’s the weirdest, the runaway winner in the weirdo Olympics is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Between the creepiness of his personal peccadillos to brain worms(!) to leaving a bear corpse in Central Park(!!), RFK Jr. is a very odd duck. . .

. . . But he had a famous name, the faint whiff of legitimacy, and the bankroll of a billionaire (courtesy of his running mate, Nicole Shanahan). That combination isn’t enough to take you all the way to the finish line, but it certainly gets your foot in the door.
And that was enough to terrify the Democrats.
So they conspired to undermine his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Just as they did to protect Hillary Clinton, they rigged the rules and tilted the playing field. This is what they do. In the past, other Democrats bent their knees accordingly and went along with it (looking at you, Bernie Sanders), and the Democrats assumed RFK Jr. would do the same.

. . .Statisticians and pollsters are still crunching the numbers (and arguing over what they mean), but most evidence indicates that RFK Jr. leaving the race would benefit Donald Trump.
But that’s not going to be the true benefit of his endorsement. It’s actually bigger than that.
This is the week of the Democratic National Convention — the Democrats’ high-water mark. Their entire strategy is to use Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech to kick off their campaign in earnest, delivering Democrats up and down the ticket the momentum they’ll need to carry them to November. And you can bet your bottom dollar that among the key messages in Harris’s speech will be “us versus them” — the power of light to defeat the darkness of evil. (It’s interesting: For all the talk about the GOP being influenced by organized religion, Democrats speak in apocalyptic prose so often, it’s almost a cliché. They might not believe in Revelations, but they sure love the imagery.)
In politics, momentum is an elusive thing. Sometimes, when you lose it, you never get it back.
The value of a potential RFK Jr. endorsement is that it’s deadweight on the Democrats’ post-convention momentum. He saps their rocket fuel. Next week, instead of everyone talking about the DNC and how beautiful/intelligent/Obama-y Harris was, people will be talking, at least in part, about RFK Jr.’s endorsement.

I really cannot know what's in his heart and in his brain worm invaded mind. But the fact that his own party did not want him in a position to potentially become president must mean he recognizes as we all do that the Democrats are not what they were, or that their mythology pimped them as. That is the supposed party of the people and oppressed. Despite the fact that he chose a hardcore leftist as his running mate (more a political move to gain the seal of approval and votes of those within the base that aren't thrilled with Biden. RFK Jr. strikes me as someone that can be reasoned with on issues like the first amendment, big government overreach and fascistic cronyism vis a vis the vaccine mandates. So, that's not a bad thing in the long run.

Will the scales fall from RFK Jr.'s eyes and will he finally shed his red diapers? That might be a tall ask, but it has happened to others in the past, and given what he has personally endured throughout his life, it's a possibility. As for right now, endorsing Trump is a net positive. Because the inevitable attacks from the Dems will put a spotlight on his positions and stand in further stark contrast to their own disastrous policies, which are turning off quite a large number of their own base at a most inopportune moment. Election-thievery and rigging notwithstanding.

And with that, the interminable Nuremberg rally redux that is the DNC 2024 grinds on.

Have a good day, everyone.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:36 AM

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