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« Former Biden Appointee Arrested for Making a Jussie Smollett Style "Racist Threat" Against Himself | Main | Update: The Biden-Media Op Is On »
June 18, 2024

An Illegal Alien Allowed in the Country By Biden Rapes and Murders a Mother of Five.
And Today, Biden Encourages More Illegal Immigration By Proposing an (Illegal) Grant of Amnesty to Hundreds of Thousands.

Is it an invasion if the Usurper on the throne lets the invaders in?

President Joe Biden announces new protections for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and "Dreamers," along with a border plan that could permit up to 1.75 million new arrivals annually, despite recent job losses for native-born Americans.

Key Details:

Biden to announce protections for undocumented spouses and streamline work visas for some "Dreamers."

New border plan claims to shut down the US-Mexico border after 2,500 daily crossings for seven consecutive days.

Despite the plan, exceptions and other programs may permit up to 1.75 million new arrivals each year.

Recent job numbers show 663,000 native-born Americans lost their jobs while 414,000 foreign-born workers entered the workforce in May.

Diving Deeper:

President Joe Biden will announce new protections for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and "Dreamers" on Tuesday, signaling a major change in immigration policy. According to three sources briefed by the White House, this executive action aims to shield undocumented spouses from deportation, provide them with work authorization, and ease their path to permanent residency. The announcement coincides with the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, established under former President Barack Obama.


This action is expected to also offer protections to certain undocumented children under 21 whose undocumented parent married a U.S. citizen. Furthermore, it aims to facilitate work visa access for "Dreamers" who have earned a degree from a U.S. college or university and secured a high-skilled job offer.


The latest Employment Situation Report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics paints a grim picture. In May 2024, 663,000 native-born Americans lost their jobs, while 414,000 foreign-born workers entered the workforce. This follows April's report showing foreign-born workers increased from 30,482,000 to 30,896,000, while native-born workers decreased from 131,108,000 to 130,445,000.

Biden is also implementing his fake deportation policy which, even if it's enforced -- and it hasn't been invoked yet -- would still permit nearly a million illegals to squat in the country. And that's just the ones we know about.

Despite these measures, the number of crossings could still reach historic highs. For instance, if migration is limited to 2,500 per day for a full year, the number would hit 912,500. Additionally, hundreds of thousands more migrants have been allowed into the US using the CBP One app, with CBS News reporting that 450,000 migrants gained admission in the 13 months since the program's January 2023 launch. Biden has also brought in roughly 400,000 more migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela through a mass parole scheme.

The number of illegals allowed in the country has doubled.

Internal data obtained by Fox News reveals that ICE's non-detained docket has surged to 7.4 million cases in 2024, highlighting severe operational challenges and staff shortages.

No, it highlights the fact that Biden told "people seeking asylum" to "surge to the border" and told them "you should come."

And since then he has dismantled the system for deportation. The only measures he takes are to reduce the amount of video of illegals crossing the border by letting people illegally cross the border via an app -- they get pre-approved to cross the border, and thus they don't have to storm across it.

That keeps the illegal invasion flowing. It just reduces politically-toxic video of people cutting down fences and overwhelming border guards.

Explosive Growth: The non-detained docket has ballooned from 3.7 million since President Biden's inauguration, with projections to hit 8 million by fiscal year-end.


The Alternatives to Detention program, aimed at monitoring migrants who are not in custody, has been swamped by the rapid increase in cases. This growth has placed an extraordinary burden on the agency's limited staff. ICE currently employs about 6,000 deportation officers, a number grossly inadequate for the soaring caseload, with each officer now juggling an average of 7,000 cases.


Moreover, the docket does not account for nearly 1.9 million 'gotaways' -- migrants who have evaded initial contact with the Department of Homeland Security since 2021. These individuals are also under ICE's jurisdiction, complicating the task of tracking and managing immigration more broadly.

As Biden continues to tell illegals to surge to the border, more illegals that he let into the country are molesting children and killing mothers.

Ecuadorian migrant in custody after allegedly molesting 13-year-old girl in NYC park

An Ecuadorian migrant is now in NYPD custody after a 13-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in a secluded area of Queens' Kissena Park. The arrest occurred early Tuesday, five days after the attack.

Key Details:

The migrant, who is believed to have entered the country in 2021, attacked a 13-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy in Kissena Park, holding them at knifepoint with a machete-style blade.

This Culturally-Enriching Asylum Seeker -- and who can even guess what he did in his home country to cause him to flee it for the Sucker Nation of America -- surged to the border after Biden told him to.


The attack occurred on Thursday afternoon when the suspect allegedly approached the girl and a 13-year-old boy in Kissena Park. Armed with a machete-style blade, he forced the two teens into a secluded area, tied their wrists with shoelaces, and sexually assaulted the girl. He then took their phones and instructed them to stay put for 20 minutes after he fled. The traumatized children ran to their nearby school to alert staff, who immediately called 911.

In Maryland, five children are mourning their murdered mother thanks to Biden's Open the Borders for Murders policy.

Even the Democrat governor now calls for the border to be closed.

What does it take for a Democratic governor of a blue state to finally abandon Joe Biden's open border policies and embrace tougher immigration control on the southern border? In the case of Governor Wes Moore of Maryland, it required the rape and murder of a beloved mother of five children. Rachel Morin was out hiking on a popular trail in Harford County, Maryland last summer when she was assaulted and killed.

The media will run stories about Problematic Mothers who go out hiking without a Male Chaperone.

DNA evidence was collected at the scene and an investigation was launched. Last week, the culprit was discovered and arrested. Victor Martinez Hernandez is an illegal alien from El Salvador who was allowed into the United States last year despite being wanted for the murder of another woman in his home country.

Oh, so that's why he was seeking "asylum" -- he was being "politically persecuted" for murdering a woman in his native country.

Let's get him into college and get our Cultural Enrichment on!


Victor Hernandez may be the new poster child for Joe Biden's open border policies. Not only was he already wanted for assaulting and murdering another woman in his home country, but he has been additionally charged with assaulting a 9-year-old girl and her mother in Los Angeles in March of this year. He is, in short, a monster. Yet he was able to enter our country illegally in March of last year and was allowed to roam free. There was already an arrest warrant out for him in El Salvadore if anyone had bothered to check.

We need these illegal alien murderers fleeing the law in their own country to surge to the border. Biden told them to come.

America has a new America's Sweetheart.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:15 PM

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