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June 13, 2024

The Turnip Diaries: Biden Humiliates Himself and America at G7 Conference

It's a little "America's back, baby!" mixed with a heaping spoonful of "A Father's Love."

Joe Biden thinks that Hunter Biden went to trial because of political bias at the DOJ he uses to attack his enemies.

"If I weren't running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal," Biden told a confidant earlier this month, a person familiar with the conversation told Politico.

Hunter refused to accept a gun-related plea deal from the government in 2023. The offer of the gun plea deal came after his "sweetheart" plea deal blew up under judicial scrutiny, which the judge characterized as "atypical" and "not straightforward."

This may be true but in a narrow sense: If Biden weren't the "president," then perhaps no one would have looked very closely at the DOJ delivering a secret sweetheart deal for a Regime Nepot.

But it would have been unjust as hell. Other people face trial for illegal possession of a gun and tax cheating. And, if you're a Republican, you can go to jail for contempt or for not registering as the agent of a foreign government.

Thanks to Shain S.

Biden had to be rescued by Italy PM Georgia Meloni after he wandered off again at a skydiving exhibition.

I know what you're thinking, and while the idea of strapping this turnip into a parachute and dropping him out of an airplane is hilarious, no, Joe Biden was on the ground in his earthshoes.

This is just humiliating for America: There are the leaders (or "leaders") of the G7 countries. For some reason, Justin Castreau is there. Are we still pretending Canada is a first world country? I thought we were just pretending to give them a morale boost, and then we'd stop.

Anyway, they're all looking in the right direction to see a skydiving exhibition.

But Joe Biden's making his own fun.


President Biden appeared to wander off at the G7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus.

As world leaders applauded a parachuting presentation, Biden could be seen trailing off and stepping away from the group, appearing to talk to an officer packing a bag.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who is hosting the meeting of world leaders, then pulls back the US president to get his attention so he can rejoin his fellow world leaders.

The New York Times writes a tearjerker story about how much Hunter Biden -- a serial drug abuser, tax evader, john, illegal gun purchaser, and influence-peddler -- has suffered by sitting in a trial for just one of his many, many crimes, most of which the DOJ intentionally allowed to expire.


Obviously they've never written a word about the strain that left's open warfare on Trump has inflicted on him.

Biden slurred and stammered his way through a fake press conference, in which he called on "reporters" pre-selected by the White House to ask questions. He knew the questions in advance, and he read the answers prepared for him off of cards.

And he couldn't even do that right.

He once again called Hunter Biden "one of the brightest men I know" -- which sounds possible, given his inner circle -- and again claimed that Hunter had conquered his drug addiction.

Say, any word yet on which of your fucked-up sex-addict criminal children left that coke in the White House, or nah?

In one video, he says he will take two questions from reporters, but then repeats this twice, only he now says he'll take two "questionies" -- yes, questionies, like the word is "questiony" -- and then repeated again, he'd take "questionies."

I guess the diminutive is used to indicate these aren't real questions, they're cute, pre-scripted fake "questionies."

Then he barked at a reporter for "not playing by the rules" when a reporter went off-script.

Biden isn't cogent enough to answer questions from the leftwing media, so now he's got his own campaign staff asking him softball questions and pretending this is a real interview:

Biden awake at 3am? Dude, he's barely awake for six hours per day, 10am to 4pm.

Twitchy comments: "Seven cuts in a 48 second video? He's fine."

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:11 PM

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