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May 23, 2024

CIA Blocked Investigation Into Kevin Morris, the "Sugar Brother" Who's Bankrolling Hunter Biden's Milion Dollar Defense

Who is REALLY funding Funboy's defense?

The CIA appeared to instruct the Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) for Delaware, Lesley Wolf, to block an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) team's investigation into Hunter Biden from using his benefactor, Kevin Morris, as a witness, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley said in an affidavit the House Ways and Means Committee released Wednesday.

Shapley, as a lead investigator for the IRS Criminal Division, was heading a probe into Biden in August 2021 when Wolf informed him that she and DOJ Tax Attorney Jack Morgan had been summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Wolf, Morgan and the CIA discussed Hunter Biden's associate and benefactor, Kevin Morris, Shapley said in the affidavit.

Shapley and his team were considering using Morris as a witness for their case against Biden, but Wolf apparently shut the possibility down.

"AUSA Wolf stated that they were provided a classified briefing in relation to Mr. Morris and as a result we could no longer pursue him as a witness," Shapley stated.

Morris has been a generous donor to Biden, buying 11 of his paintings and loaning him at least $5 million for tax debts and to cover personal expenses, Republican Kentucky Rep. James Comer revealed in a January press release.

Shapley asked her to give him a classified briefing about what she had been told that caused her to terminate the investigation. She refused.

She did seem delighted to have been invited into one of the Deep State's palaces:


"AUSA Wolf proudly referenced a CIA mug and stated that she purchased some CIA 'swag' at the gift shop while she was there," Shapley shared.

Was the "Sugar Brother" a CIA asset, one of the many people it pays, illegally, to advance Deep State interests in the US rather than in a foreign country?

Maybe. But here's an even likelier scenario: Biden just asked his CIA allies, like John Brennan for starters, to lie to the prosecutor to make the Sugar Brother investigation go away.

To save the crackhead.

To rig an American election.

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