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May 20, 2024

Quick Hits

The Bee:


The heir of the Kansas City Chiefs says she supports Harrison Butker.

"Well, I can only speak from my own experience, which is I've had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home and be with us as kids growing up. And I understand that there are many women out there who can't make that decision. But for me and my life, I know it was really formative and in shaping me and my siblings into who we are," Hunt said during a Friday morning appearance on Fox News.

She also added that she really respects "Harrison and his Christian faith and what he's accomplished on and off the field."

She's a well-put-together girl, too. See the video at the link.

It's the Ugly People who are in a permanent froth about all the "injustices" in society. We good-looking people, the Non-Stinkies, are more reasonable because we don't view the world through hateful eyes clouded by resentment and humiliation.

Meanwhile, the Kansas City Star rag has published a screed by a Democrat propaganadist calling for Butker to be fired, with a woman kicker hired in his place.

The Democrat Party is nothing but hissing hysterical "men" and aggressive, off-putting and ugly women.

Here's the op-ed.

For poetic justice after Harrison Butker's Neanderthal outburst -- and because the pipeline of talent is real -- the Kansas City Chiefs' next kicker should be a woman.

This is not a joke. It's not unrealistic. And it would be good for business. Just ask the University of Manitoba how ticket sales were last year.

Eat a dick, dude.

Dick -- it's not just for Friday Nights.

The Chiefs need to make a strategic call about Butker's future with the team. If he could agree to shut his mouth, the current story might fade. There are, after all, plenty of athletes with backward cultural views, but they're tolerated if they can mostly stick to sports cliches in interviews. If they're superstars, they sometimes can keep yapping and get away with it. Harrison Butker is not Patrick Mahomes. He's a special teams player. That gives him less leverage with the team. They could trade him for a solid kicker, or they could make a statement by signing a woman to kick. Liz Heaston, Ashley Martin, Katie Hnida or Sarah Fuller might take a call. Maya Turner would likely give serious thought to an offer. And the farm system for talent is rich. There are more than 300 players on the 14 teams in the National Women's Soccer League. That's more than 300 women who are professional ball kickers and don't currently choose to be stay-at-home housewives. It would be delightful if one of them cost the Kansas City Chiefs kicker his job.


Collin Rugg @CollinRugg

NEW: The Kansas City Star is calling on the KC Chiefs to fire Harrison Butker and hire a female kicker after Butker advocated for traditional values during a speech.

The opinion piece quickly notified readers that this was "not a joke" and "not unrealistic."

"For poetic justice after Harrison Butker's Neanderthal outburst -- and because the pipeline of talent is real -- the Kansas City Chiefs' next kicker should be a woman."

"The Chiefs need to make a strategic call about Butker's future with the team. If he could agree to shut his mouth, the current story might fade."

The piece wrapped up by urging the Chiefs to consider hiring kickers like Sarah Fuller or Maya Turner.

For reference, this is Sarah Fuller "making history" by becoming the first woman to play in a Power Five college football game.

Her kick was... historic.

So we learn in the NFL, you can be a rapist, woman beater, abandon your kids, a racist, misogynist, adulterer, you can be a number of things," but you can't be a conservative or a traditionalist.

Iranian women celebrate the death of Iran's murderous president, called "The Butcher of Tehran," and, per the Washington Post, "an austere but severe religious scholar."

They're dancing in the streets in Iran.

They're even shooting fireworks.

Even the Iran Proxy Government in the White House was critical of the Butcher of Tehran.

But they still offered their patrons in Iran their condolences.

The United States on Monday offered its condolences over the deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and the other members of their delegation killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend.

"As Iran selects a new president, we reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms," US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a statement, in an apparent swipe at the rights record of the deceased.

Explaining the decision to offer official condolences in a subsequent briefing, Miller said the US does not want to see anyone die under such circumstances.

However, he stressed that Raisi was a "brutal participant in the repression of the Iranian people for nearly four decades."

"Some of the worst human rights abuses occurred during his tenure as president," Miller added.

Iran asked the United States for assistance after the helicopter crash, Miller also revealed. "I'm not going to get into the details, but we were asked by the Iranian government for assistance," he told reporters, saying the US was unable to do so, "largely for logistical reasons."

Um, Iran was asking for what?

Was it technical information that might prove that Israel was behind the crash?

And if that was the case -- why would they think that Biden would be open to giving them that?

Hours earlier, the head of the European Union and its foreign policy chief prompted outrage from some European politicians after expressing their own condolences over the death of Raisi.

Some more good news: A dreg with a restraining order against him showed up a California woman's house. She took care of business.

Police in California said a woman protecting herself against a knife-wielding attacker fatally shot him outside her home Friday evening, FOX11 reported.

Authorities said that the woman made a 911 call at 9:20 pm to report that there was a man armed with a knife outside her house, according to FOX11. The suspect, who had a restraining order against him filed by the woman, allegedly tried to stab the woman and another man at the home before the woman fatally shot the suspect, FOX11 reported.

All part of California's "YOU Get to Be Your Own Police!" initiative. It's very popular with 7-year-old boys.

Apparently the hand-picked Democrat hanging judge Merchan grew so angry at a Trump witness he literally screamed and cleared everyone out of the courtroom, claiming that the witness was "staring" him down, and claiming it constituted a security threat.

ecall that Robert Costello previously blasted Michael Cohen as a "convicted perjurer" and said Bragg's prosecutors cherry-picked emails.

Crooked Judge Merchan excoriated Costello and cleared the courtroom!

Here is the exchange between Judge Merchan and Robert Costello courtesy of TGP contributor Paul Ingrassia who is inside of the NYC courtroom live reporting:

Merchan grows irate, begins EXCORIATING Robert Costello on the stand for making a few off-handed remarks and rolling his eyes during the testimony.

Merchan: Are you staring me down right now?

Costello: I'm not.


-- Paul Ingrassia (@PaulIngrassia) May 20, 2024

TGP's Paul Ingrassia said the trial resumed after a delay following a fiery exchange between Judge Merchan and Bob Costello.

"Merchan is absolutely seething over Costello's damning testimony. The type of treatment Costello, an experienced prosecutor who once worked for the US Attorney's Office for New York in the 1970s and early 1980s, is receiving on the witness stand from the judge is disgusting," Paul Ingrassia said.

"Merchan is visibly perturbed, condescending, and downright abusive of the witness on the stand. Outrageous behavior from a judge, and totally inappropriate for any courtroom! No decorum whatsoever!" Ingrassia said.

Here's Just The News's report.

The "hand-picked" judge Merchan really didn't like Costello spilling the beans on star witness Cohen.

New York Judge Juan Merchan admonished a defense witness in former President Donald Trump's alleged hush money case on Monday, after the witness acted improperly on the witness stand.


The defense brought up former Trump legal adviser Robert Costello as its second witness, who was testifying about the state of mind of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen when it became clear that the FBI was targeting him.

Costello however had allegedly rolled his eyes, and said "geez" when Merchan sustained an objection from prosecutors, which earned condemnation from the judge. Merchan ordered the courtroom to be cleared so he could criticize Costello about "proper decorum" in the courtroom.

He said "geez" because the judge was protecting Cohen from Costello's testimony about him.

"When there is an eyewitness on the stand, if you don't like a ruling, you don't say 'Geez,'" the judge chastised Costello, according to Politico. "And then you don't say strike it. You don't give me side eye and you don't roll your eyes."

The press and jury were allowed back in moments later.

Costello testified that Cohen was suicidal when he encountered him after the FBI had raided Cohen's office and residence. Costello claimed that Cohen told him he had been on the roof of the Regency Hotel and was going to "jump off and kill himself because he couldn't handle the ongoing criminal case," just two days before their meeting.

So this little pillow-biter, caught breaking the law on his own behalf, would do anything to get out of jail. Got it.

In more News of Democrat Justice -- California's top Democrat lawyers are urging prosecutors to drop the investigation of Soros DA Gascon's top aide, who accessed confidential, protected files about her old boss's political opponents and their donors.

It was just a Whoopsie, you know. Not a real campaign violation like the one Trump committed.

California's top Democratic lawyers urged Attorney General Rob Bonta to drop 11 felony charges filed against Los Angeles Ethics and Integrity Assistant District Attorney Diana Teran, a top lieutenant of embattled Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon.

The 11 charges are for illegally accessing confidential, "statutorily-protected" law enforcement files in her current role and prior role as Constitutional Policing Advisor at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department while investigating officers for potential misconduct.

"We are writing to express our concern at the recent charges your office filed against Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney Diana Teran, and the chilling effect we believe this will have on policies and programs intended to ensure transparency, promote public trust and confidence in law enforcement agencies, and enable agency compliance with constitutional obligations," wrote the Prosecutors Alliance, a group of prosecutors advocating for progressive criminal justice reform, to California Attorney General Rob Bonta.

AMC slaps trigger warnings on Goodfellas for "cultural stereotypes inconsistent with today's standards."

They're whacking a classic.

AMC Networks added a trigger warning to the classic mob movie "Goodfellas" -- rankling those who were in the film and wiseguys alike.

"This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today's standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers," a message reads at the top of the film when screened on the network.

The warning was first affixed to the movie during the height of Black Lives Matter riots when many businesses and cultural institutions made avoiding offense to various groups a core part of their missions.

Disney has made a cottage industry of affixing warnings to their century-long oeuvre of content.

"In 2020, we began adding advisories in front of certain films that include racial or cultural references that some viewers might find offensive," an AMC rep told The Post.

But the warning for Goodfellas apparently doesn't apply to other mob flicks. "The Godfather" -- which also plays on AMC and features many of the same themes -- is presented with a more standard "viewer discretion" warning covering "brief nudity, strong language and intense violence."

"The f--king political correctness has f--king taken everything away," Bo Ditel, a former NYPD cop who played a police officer in "Goodfellas," told The Post. "This is how life was back then. It was not a clean beautiful thing. You can't cleanse history. If you want to tell true history, you gotta tell it the way it is."

Jake Tapper, Democrat Party Seal-Clapper, helpfully Goose-Honks to the trashy woman that started the fight in Congress: wasn't it really racist to say that your obviously fake eyelashes are fake?

Earlier I posted some Axios propaganda, claiming that Senate Democrats are backing up Biden's insane claims that every poll in the country is #rigged against him.

But other Democrats don't seem to believe the polls are #rigged -- because they're angry that the GOP is linking them to Biden.

If Biden really were #SecretlyPopular, they wouldn't complain about being linked to him, would they?

'Hell no': Endangered Senate Dems chafe at relentless GOP drive to tie them to Biden

Senate Democratic hopefuls in red and purple states must carve out distance from the president to keep running ahead of his numbers -- while dodging hits that they're shifting gears to win reelection.

Jon Tester recently became the first Democratic senator to sign onto a stringent GOP immigration bill. He isn't happy that Republicans are accusing him of a late-stage transformation into a border hawk.

"They're full of shit. And whoever told you that, you can say 'Jon Tester said you're full of shit,'" the Montana Democrat said in an interview, responding to GOP claims that his support for the Laken Riley Act -- named for the nursing student killed earlier this year by an undocumented immigrant -- was an act of political expediency.

"I firmly believe in my heart of hearts that if you're here and you're undocumented ... and you break the law, you should be shipped back," Tester added. He indicated in March he'd support the legislation as a standalone bill.

Republicans counter that Tester joined other Democrats to rule out the addition of new immigration restrictions to a must-pass spending bill. Meanwhile, the GOP is running millions of dollars in ads hitting him for "supporting Biden's border disaster."

The episode underscores the core challenge facing this year's Senate Democratic hopefuls in red and purple states: They must carve out distance from President Joe Biden to keep running ahead of his numbers -- while dodging political hits that they're shifting gears purely to win reelection.

Because Biden is no sure bet in November and may offer Democrats little coattails to ride, Senate hopefuls across the country are hoping to defuse a sustained GOP campaign linking them to Biden. And with little must-pass business scheduled the rest of the year and a divided Congress, Democrats will have plenty of opportunities to emphasize strategic differences with their party's leader.

Biden needs 40cc of methamphetamine, stat!

Little Marco is now Big Marco:

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 06:30 PM

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