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May 20, 2024

Google's Leftwing Partisan Censors Block a Record Number of Videos and Accounts, Supposedly for "Disinformation"

YouTube censorship of election, COVID claims in crosshairs of U.S., Canadian courts

YouTube's censorship of COVID-19 and election claims isn't a problem for the company in Europe. It might be a problem in North America.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is weighing whether to prevent the Google-owned platform from censoring videos with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the duration of his independent presidential candidacy, while a Canadian court greenlit a class-action lawsuit on behalf of both censored YouTube creators and viewers denied the opportunity to watch their videos.

Touting its efforts to protect next month's European parliamentary elections, YouTube disclosed in a May 9 blog post that it removed more than 35,000 purported "misinformation" videos last year.

That recalls the Election Integrity Partnership, conceived and shepherded by the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, estimating that platforms removed, labeled or "soft-blocked" supposed misinformation reported through EIP's system 35% of the time in the 2020 U.S election season.

The government continues to press for censorship, via "private organizations" controlled by the government (and CIA).

"Our global team of reviewers combine with machine learning technology to apply these policies at scale, 24/7," against hate speech, harassment, incitement to violence and "certain types of elections [sic] misinformation," the uncredited YouTube blog post says.

Perfect. They're training machines to censor people beyond the capabilities of even 100,000 human censors.

Then they'll just claim "the algorithm" is responsible for the censorship, so obviously this is all Objective and Scientific.

"Our Intelligence Desk has also been working for months to get ahead of emerging issues and trends that could affect the EU elections, both on and off YouTube," the also post reads. It's using artificial intelligence to further reduce views of "violative content," which was 11-12 of every 10,000 views in the fourth quarter of 2024.


Censorship of Kennedy for his statements on COVID-19 vaccines are prominent in the Twitter Files and other document tranches obtained through litigation and by Congress. Biden administration counterterrorism officials sought counsel from a group promoting his censorship.

Congressional Democrats tried to stop or at least limit Kennedy's testimony at a censorship hearing last year, citing his comments on COVID looking "ethnically targeted," then slurred him as a racist and antisemite when Republicans blocked their effort.

Democrats also pressured YouTube to reverse its decision last summer to stop suppressing supposed 2020 election misinformation, even as it censored and throttled videos with Kennedy.

While Biden sics Google on people for peddling "election misinformation" about 2020, Senate Democrats are coordinating a message that all of the current polls are fake.

As I've mentioned before, to pull off a Big Steal, they first have to prepare the public for a huge undetected Biden vote in the polls. If the public suspects a steal, it could be bad for the thieves.

So it's important for the thieves to prep the battlespace and tell everyone that Biden has many, many more votes than you think he does. So don't be surprised when lots of Secret Biden Voters send in mail-in ballots!

It's not just the feeble, demented Biden, Axios tells us. Democrat Senators, including some whose brain scans do not resemble swiss cheese used as sporting clays, claim they believe the Free Republic 1996-2008 and say the polls are skewed.

Democratic senators who represent presidential battlegrounds agree with President Biden -- polls showing him trailing former President Trump in those key states are wrong.

Why it matters: The skepticism is especially notable because a number of Democrats from those states have a polling lead over their Republican opponents in pivotal Senate races.

"No, I do not think that they are accurate," Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told Axios. Her retirement has triggered one of the most competitive Senate races. Democrat Elissa Slotkin has been leading in early polls, even as Biden lags behind Trump.

"The polls showed that I was down when I entered my race. And polls didn't look that great for Angela Alsobrooks a couple weeks ago, but she won the primary heartedly," Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) told Axios.

The big picture: After Trump's 2016 expectation-defying win, pollsters and strategists made adjustments aimed at better capturing Trump supporters.

Now, Democrats say the polls are missing key voter dynamics on their side.
"There are certain communities that are missed," added Warnock, who narrowly ousted Republican Kelly Loeffler in a 2021 runoff.

Still, Democratic Senate candidates in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are running well ahead of Biden and lead their Republican rivals, according to the latest New York Times/Sienna survey.


Why it matters: The skepticism is especially notable because a number of Democrats from those states have a polling lead over their Republican opponents in pivotal Senate races.

Now, Democrats say the polls are missing key voter dynamics on their side.

The Coalition of the Unliving is a powerful force in American politics and the Voting Dead are notoriously difficult to reach by phone.


Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) also told Axios elections in his state are always going to be close, but he predicted Biden would win. He added that he would like to see Biden and Vice President Harris visit Arizona more.

Speaking of Arizona: Trump is leading Biden by 5.

A new Harvard Harris poll puts Trump six ahead, and also six ahead when leaners are asked to say who they're leaning to. When they add RFK into the race, Trump is five ahead.

Why not include all the leftwing third party candidates that only pull from Biden?

InteractivePolls @IAPolls2022

NATIONAL POLL: Harvard/Harris

Trump 49% (+6)
Biden 43%

With leans
Trump 53% (+6)
Biden 47%

Trump 45% (+5)
Biden 40%
RFK Jr 14%

In the third slide below: A solid majority of 55% say that they approve of Trump's job performance during his presidency.

On a pie graph, that is almost five slices of pie.

Team Trump @TeamTrump


60% Say Biden's Economy On WRONG TRACK.

58% Say Biden's Economy is WEAK.

48% Say Their Financial Situation is Getting WORSE.

54% DISAPPROVE of Crooked Joe Biden.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:38 PM

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