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May 16, 2024

Anthony Fauci's Superior at the NIH Admits That the "Six Foot Rule" of Social Distancing Was Never Based on Any Science At All

I'll never forget Dr. Guy P. Benson, Ph.D., screaming at Trump on twitter for failing to mention "social distancing," which trended on Twitter as thousands of Monkey-See, Monkey-Do liberals heard the words and immediately began repeating them as if they were all degreed Doctors of Social Distancing Science.

Liberals are faux intellectual magpies -- like the birds, they have tiny brains but are attracted by new shiny objects, and steal them to put in their nests to make them more appealing to potential mates.

Twitter NPCs are not smart, they're not educated, but they're part of a cult which (claims to) worship intelligence and education.

So whenever they hear a bit of jargon from a learned profession, they all start repeating it like five-year-olds. "Kompromat." "Social distancing." "Problematic." "Performative."

They don't know what these words mean, and often use them wrong, but they know these are the Power Words of the High Priests of Intellect, and by cargo cult logic, that means if they speak the same Power Words, they will become smart too.

Be careful when you hear all the Twitter NPCs like Guy Benson repeating words they just learned five minutes ago.

That means they're ginning up a pretext for heavy-handed government coersion. If they say the right Magic Power Words, it will transform the unconstitutional into the absolutely necessary.

The left is always attempting, and often succeeding, and stampeding people with their many tales of Looming Catastrophe. To stampede a herd of horses, you don't spook the brave, stable horses. No, you only need to spook the most panicky, most neurotic, most fear-loving horses. You start them panicking, and then the rest of the herd will follow, figuring the stampeding horses must have seen something to warrant such extreme alarm.

The GOP will always have panicky idiots like Dr. Guy P. Benson, Ph.D., who desperately want to show themselves as worth of liberals' love. When they tell this kind of weak simp to panic, they ask "How insanely should we panic, sir?!"

We have to marginalize these people. We need to kick them out of the herd. They are bad for our survival.

But instead of marginalizing such hazardous cowards and simps, the GOPe elevates them and gives them their own radio show. They want us all to follow the example of Dr. Guy P. Benson, Esq.'s exquisitely-calibrated "moderation."

Francis Collins just admitted that Dr. Guy P. Benson, Ph. D., badly erred in his application of Twitter Science.

Dr. Francis Collins, the former NIH Director, testified Wednesday that the widely-promoted social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic lacked any scientific basis.

* Dr. Francis Collins admitted that the "6 feet apart" social distancing recommendation was not grounded in scientific evidence.

* Dr. Anthony Fauci echoed this sentiment, revealing further systemic failures in America's public health response during his testimony.

* The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic continues to uncover critical failings in pandemic-era policies.

In testimony before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Dr. Francis Collins, the former Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), admitted that the federal guideline to maintain six feet of social distancing was not based on any science or data. This admission casts doubt on one of the most widely promoted measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Dr. Collins agreed with Dr. Fauci that the '6 feet apart' social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any science or data," noted Select Subcommittee Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio). Collins, who led the NIH's pandemic response, acknowledged that the recommendation lacked empirical support.

Collins was also asked about his Very Scientific Public Relations Smear Campaign against the (completely vindicated) epidemiologists who wrote the Great Barrington Declaration, which said that at-risk people should be isolated, but healthy people should not.

The testimony also highlighted Collins' stance on the Great Barrington Declaration, a publication advocating for focused protection of vulnerable populations while allowing minimal restrictions for the young and healthy. Collins reaffirmed his previous criticisms, referencing a 2020 email to Dr. Fauci in which he called for a "quick and devastating published takedown" of the declaration.

Then he played the same perjurious games with the term "gain-of-function" that his good Pal Fauci is so fond of.

Further, Collins engaged in semantic arguments over the definition of gain-of-function research, attempting to obscure the NIH's involvement in funding such research in Wuhan, China. This approach mirrored Dr. Fauci's defense in prior Congressional testimonies where he denied NIH's funding of potentially dangerous research.

He was also forced to admit that he and Fauci co-produced the infamous "Proximal Origins" screed, a thoroughly political and unscientific document the pair ordered their grant-receiving cronies to type up to discedit any notion that the Wuhan Novel Bat Respiratory Virus came from the Wuhan Novel Bat Respiratory Virus laboratory they were funding.

Science Itself -- I mean Anthony Fauci -- proved that, like Albert Einstein, our most brilliant scientific minds are often terrible scatterbrains.

In separate 14-hour transcribed testimony with the Select Subcommittee, Dr. Fauci further exposed systemic failures within America's public health systems. Fauci claimed he "did not recall" key COVID-19 information over 100 times and admitted that the social distancing guidance "sort of just appeared." He also defended his testimony regarding NIH's funding of gain-of-function research in Wuhan, despite evidence suggesting otherwise.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:37 PM

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