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Quick Hits �
August 04, 2022
In Debate, Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler Refuses to Say That Biden Should Run For President; Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Says She Doesn't Believe He Is Running for President
If you recall, New York Democrats had long kept these two in their own separate protected fiefdoms by aggressive gerrymandering. But when the last gerrymander -- called the "Jerrymander," for carving an geometrically obscene district for Nadler -- was tossed out by a judge, the areas these two had represented for years (the Upper West Side and Upper East Side) got merged into the same district, and they're now competing in a primary against each other.
Neither will say Biden should run for president. Nadler says it's too early to discuss that, and Maloney says she doesn't even believe he's running, despite Biden's frequent allegations that he intends to run.
The third man in that debate is Suraj Patel, and he's not just there as window dressing. At least, according to his own internal polling.
Per his poll, it's a tight race. Nadler and Maloney are actually tied at 31% each, and Patel is close behind at 25%, with 13% undecided.
POLL: Whitman Insight Strategies/@surajpatelnyc
(D) Internal Poll
2022 #NY12 Dem Primary
Carolyn Maloney 31%
Jerry Nadler 31%
Suraj Patel 25%
Undecided 13%
Let's assume that Patel picked an especially good poll for him to release; Nadler and Maloney still appear to be neck-and-neck. Or wattle-and-wattle.
Which is why Maloney is now doing damage control and apologizing to the 25% of the party that still like R@pey Joe Biden.
"Mr. President, I apologize. I want you to run. I happen to think you won't be running, but when you run or if you run, I will be there 100 percent. You have deserved it."
Though: Notice she still is saying he's not running. Which is, you know, calling him a liar.
Of course, she made this announcement on CNN, the shitlib "news" network, to reach the shitlib "news" audience. All 40 of them.
The refusal of either very senior leftwing congressman to endorse Biden for president in 2024 is naturally yet another sign that Brandon is falling.
Stu Loeser, who served as press secretary for former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, tweeted Tuesday night, "If lifelong professional liberal Dems in one of the deepest blue districts in the US can't support the Democratic agenda, then...."
Donkey-Chompers has previously refused to endorse R@pey Joe:
Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-Bronx-Queens) previously said she "will cross that bridge when we get to it" when asked about Biden's re-election, saying she would first focus on helping Democrats preserve their House majority in the mid-term elections.