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May 23, 2022
Nina Jankowicz: Criticizing Me Damages National Security
You nasty lunatic little goblin.
The woman tasked with policing disinformation was herself a bastion of... disinformation. I don't need to remind you of this embarrassing fiasco that engulfed the DHS. So, Janky left, and the thought police squad was put on hold for now. It could come back.
That didn't stop this woman from going on the liberal media circuit to say she was derailed by right-wing disinformation. The tantrum that occurred afterward is the best part because it exposes what this whole thought police was set up for, which is to help Democrats. You all know that--and I guess since the cat is out of the bag--they're admitting to it as well on some level.
Tom Elliott
Jankowicz says her political beliefs were always "checked at the door" of DHS.
"It is quite ironic that Republicans decontextualized a couple of tweets ... [and] parts of my personal life that have been picked on in this childish game in order to endanger our national security"
Stephen L. Miller
Criticizing me is a threat to national security.
The "decontextualized tweets" is more disinformation. She means a single tweet in which she relayed Biden's claims about the laptop, which she later claimed were not her claims. Just something she was repeating from the debate.
Okay, fine, we'll take your word for it.
But you had eight other tweets from your own mouth calling, for example, the laptop "a Russian op" and the fact that it was abandoned at a computer repair shop a "fairy tale."
She literally just lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and lies.
That's all these people do.
I think the "parts of her private life" she's referring to are all the embarrassing, cringey "Wizard Rock" songs she did about f***ing Harry Potter.
That's fair game, Stanky Janky. I don't think that your extracurricular activities as an annoying Failed Theater Kid are disqualifying, but they are part of the psychological snapshot of you -- you're a spotlight-chasing narcissist who loves ruling over people. The very last person we'd want in the role of National Censor.
Of course, we'd want no one in this role, but we wouldn't want a validation-hungry, Twitter-Likes-Hunting narcissist with the job most of all.
I forget who said it, but obviously the "Disinformation Governance Board" will be back, with a new name, and also a new Executive Director.
And the new director won't be a clownish klout-chasing internet-fame obsessed Living Meme like Stanky Janky. It will be a dull gray grim bureaucratic assassin who never says anything uncontroversial, but who just censors speech with robotic efficiency.
The fight is only beginning. This Female Joker was nothing.
150 I had my doubts about Nina's nuanced and balanced approach but her buying into every single leftist hoax and going on MSNBC and CNN to make her case really sold me on her integrity.
Posted by: JackStraw
AllahPundit's favorite commentator and Future Hot Dog Entrepreneur Chris Hayes had no follow-ups when Stanky Janky pronounced herself a "nuanced, reasonable person" who was never a "partisan actor:"
Jimmy Dore had a lot of fun with that interview.