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First World Problems... »
March 23, 2025
Anti-Semitism May Be Offensive, But Should It Be Illegal?
Short Answer: No
Brandeis famously stated that "sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants" in a Harper's Weekly article in 1913. It was true then and it is true now!
Brandeis didn't say, "Jail time is appropriate for bad thoughts," and that is a vital point.
Am I defending anti-Semitism? No, of course not. I think it is stupid, flies in the face of everything we hold dear in our country with respect to our fellow citizens, and is ultimately counterproductive, as the Nazi nuclear program discovered to its chagrin. But it is an opinion, however misguided. It is a thought..a world-view...a prejudice. And we as Americans are entitled to our beliefs, and we have every right to shout them to the heavens!
As usual the lazy, ignorant, derivative media reported President Trump's actions as the most jingoistic and trivial thing, rather than expanding on the actual intent of the executive order.
Sadly, the White House's description falls into the same lazy pattern. Not nearly as bad, and much better written than the agrammatical drivel belched out by earnest 23-year-old senior reporters, but it still conflates anti-Semitism with actual criminality.
Fact Sheet: President Donald J. Trump Takes Forceful and Unprecedented Steps to Combat Anti-Semitism
Immediate action will be taken by the Department of Justice to protect law and order, quell pro-Hamas vandalism and intimidation, and investigate and punish anti-Jewish racism in leftist, anti-American colleges and universities.
The Order demands the removal of resident aliens who violate our laws.
Notice there is some real meat to that description! But it is mixed in with trivia.
Teaching anti-Semitism while being funded by the government is vile, certainly inappropriate, and maybe even illegal. And teaching support for terrorist groups is almost certainly illegal.
But what is definitely illegal is physical intimidation of Jewish students. Start there. But also include Christian students, who have been similarly intimidated and attacked for years too!
Going after "anti-Jewish racism" is a nonsensical, feel-good idea. What does that mean? Some idiot college sophomore who believes the pro-Gaza nonsense spewed by protesters? So he hates Jews and Israelis? So what? That isn't illegal.
It's like federal hate-crime charges piled onto some state charge. So how the criminal FEELS about his victim is going to be penalized? That's just dumb. Send him to jail for his actions, not his thoughts.
Blocking students from walking across the quad to their classes is assault and battery. Blockading and vandalizing buildings is already illegal. We have plenty of laws covering that. And if the university administration allowed that criminality to occur, then charge the people responsible. And if the administration allows support for terrorism to be taught, then charge them and take away funding.
But the best thing by far is exactly what has occurred across the country. The blatant anti-Semitic behavior that morphed into anti-Semitic actions has been exposed. The academy's dirty little secret is no longer hidden, and America sees the universities' true colors...and they don't like it!
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter and X]