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March 11, 2025
Crotchety Hard-Left Fanatical Fossil Ruth Marcus Resigns from Her Sinecure at the Washington Post, Angry that Bezos Will No Longer Let Her Publish Demands to Censor Her Enemies
Seems like Bezos has created his own self-deportation scheme.
By telling opinion columnists they can no longer fulminate endlessly for censorship and suppression, he's encouraging the Dead Enders to MoveOn.org.
A top political columnist for The Washington Post resigned today, accusing Post chief executive and publisher Will Lewis of killing her column that criticized owner Jeff Bezos's drive to overhaul the opinion pages to focus on his libertarian priorities.
Post columnist and Associate Editor Ruth Marcus, who has worked at the paper for four decades, says she can no longer stay there.
"Jeff's announcement that the opinion section will henceforth not publish views that deviate from the pillars of individual liberties and free markets threatens to break the trust of readers that columnists are writing what they believe, not what the owner has deemed acceptable," Marcus wrote in a resignation letter obtained by NPR.
More than 75,000 digital subscribers canceled in the 48 hours after Bezos revealed his intentions late last month, which included an edict that the paper would not print opposing views; then Opinions Editor David Shipley stepped down after vainly trying to dissuade Bezos from his course.
Marcus confirmed to NPR she had resigned and the authenticity of the letter but declined further comment.
"Will's decision to not ...run the column that I wrote respectfully dissenting from Jeff's edict - something that I have not experienced in almost two decades of column-writing - underscores that the traditional freedom of columnists to select the topics they wish to address and say what they think has been dangerously eroded," she wrote.
All this led to critical columns about the endorsement decision in the Post's own pages and multiple resignations by editorial board members and by contributors to the wider opinions section. Shipley, while still editor, killed a cartoon late last year by Pulitzer Prize-winner Ann Telnaes showing Bezos among the media and tech figures abasing themselves before Trump; she resigned. A deluge of veterans have taken jobs at competing news outlets.
Ruth Marcus is gone.
I want to see over-the-top Democrat shill Catherine Rampell resign next.
But she won't. She needs the paycheck and she's otherwise unemployable.