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February 06, 2025
The Morning Rant
When CBD asked if I would sit in for him this week. I gladly accepted the oppurtunity. But, to be honest with you. I didn't have a large number of rants in mind. Oh how that soon changed.........
Recently I broke a cardinal rule of mine. Thou shall not discuss ANYTHING POLITICAL on Facebook.
The hypocrisy of the left never ceases me from giggling. If hypocrisy wasn't so sad, the left's lack of common sense would be charming.
Recently a Facebook "Friend " (FBF) posted something about accepting the Alphabet Sexual Persuasion Gagle. One of the reasons a homosexual shouldn't be discriminated against because they did not choose to be homosexual. We are to accept them.
Fine. I can live with that to a point. What is Tolerance and what isn't is a Rant for another time and day. As a Christian I am to love my neighbor as myself. I am to treat everyone kindly, politely and humanely.
My FBF posted we are to judge each gay person individually and not as a group.
Fine. I can accept that as well. It reminds me of what Martin Luther King, Jr., once said. We are to judge content of character and heart and not something that could never be changed. (Skin color)
If being gay is not a choice. Are your political leanings and beliefs inherited rather than an environmental issue? I look at my younger sibling. Same upbringing. We are 20 months apart and one grade difference in school. Same grade schools, same high school, etc. Yet we are so completely different in our core beliefs and outlooks.
So you may ask? Where are you heading with this? Fast forward 2-3 weeks and my FBF is no longer my "Friend ". And in the future would no longer sell me a commodity because I'm MAGA person and using her words, "You cannot be trusted."
Why I even entered into this fray is beyond me. I guess I have too much free time on my hands.
She was rather upset that my President who I voted for was imposing tariffs on her country. (Canada) And Elon Musk was running roughshod over the US treasury. Silly her, a Canuck, telling me how to vote. But, she did thank me for being polite. Coming from a Canadian that just gave me goose bumps.
Let me get this straight? You have never met me. We have never spoken on the phone. And the product you won't sell to me now, you were going to sell me 14 months ago?
I wonder if she would have allowed a gay man to babysit her 10 year old child without any reservations. Just like she won't sell me wait for it a......... DOG.
As I told her, it is her loss, not mine. Because, I'm not tired of winning.

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian (ONT Cob Emeritus) at
11:00 AM
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