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February 11, 2025
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
The vicious, subhuman brutality exhibited on October 7th by the Gaza savages when they poured over the border and into Israel was shocking, although in retrospect, it should not have been unexpected. It is what they are taught from infancy, and their society is consumed by the attitude that Jews are not worthy of anything other than vile, savage treatment. Rape, torture, murder. That is Gazan culture when it comes to Jews.
90 years ago the Nazis carefully inured their population to the cruelty necessary for their "Final Solution" for the Jews with various programs that separated undesirables and those with disabilities from the protections of a supposedly advanced culture. The T4 program and others like it made a certain perverse and warped sense to Germany... after all, a profoundly retarded person can offer nothing productive to the state, so isn't it a kindness to remove him from society?
It's an easy step from there to segregating, marginalizing, incarcerating, and finally killing the other undesirables in German society... The Jews.
But the Gazan Arabs have skipped a few steps. They have no need to manipulate their society to see Jews as subhuman, because their religion teaches it, their rulers insist upon it, their society embraces it. Hamas found fertile ground in Gaza. There was no need for anything other than structure! No Nürnberg Laws needed. No change in morality there!
And lest one assume that it was Hamas and not the people of Gaza, it was plain old Gazans who poured across the border to execute the worst Pogrom since the Holocaust. And most of the hostages were starved and tortured and killed by plain old Gazans. Hamas and Gaza are one. The people enthusiastically support Hamas and its goals, which are nothing more or less than the modern equivalent of "The Final Solution."
Because Hamas and the people of Gaza are functionally identical to the Nazis. Oh, the Nazis had gray uniforms and Hamas wears green, and the Nazis were better organized and definitely better at war, but the goals of both are the same: the destruction of world Jewry. Sure, Hamas and their brothers in arms Hezbollah and Al Qaeda and ISIS and the other Islamist terror organizations won't stop with the Jews... Western culture and Christianity are next, but that's a detail.
Anyone who supports anything other than the complete destruction of Hamas is a closet Nazi supporter. Or in the case of too many Europeans (Ireland and Norway are the worst) , not so closeted! The convenient fiction that Hamas and the people of Gaza are in some way different is an idiotic and counter-factual assumption, and we should all stop pretending that it is anywhere near the truth.
So when the media breathlessly speak of ceasefires and brokered deals and restarting humanitarian aide to the poor Gazans, realize that it is the equivalent of sending food and medicine and fuel to the camp guards at Auschwitz.
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]