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January 23, 2025
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
The destruction of the idea that women hold a special and vital role in our culture is nowhere more evident than the blurring of the lines between women and men. Women have the unique responsibility for the continuation of humanity. It is the most important thing that we do, and they are the only ones who can do it! But the post-modern insanity that is transgenderism has assiduously eroded that special distinction, and has attempted to destroy the primacy of women in our culture. Suggesting that womanhood is a social construct, and that men can function in all respects as women is obviously lunacy, but it also demeans women's roles in culture. If anyone can bear and raise children, then women are simply another cog in the infernal machine of humanity that the progressive movement has been desperately trying to build for 100 years.
No less demeaning is the use of women as a weapon in the political wars that are roiling America. There is no coherent political or cultural philosophy in the progressive rulebook; women are used interchangeably as victims of an evil patriarchy, and drones to be replaced by disturbed men play-acting as a warped and perverted version of Woman. It all depends on political needs.
But Donald Trump has cut the Gordian knot that the progressive junta has created. It's just not that complicated! While most Americans understand that, the obfuscation that the progressives created around the simple concept of Man and Woman has clouded the issue and allowed the current dangerous ridiculousness of men competing against women on the court and the track and in the pool.
That wasn't so tough, was it!
On one hand, it is absolutely ridiculous that we are spending time on what is axiomatic. On the other hand, Donald Trump just stuck his big thumb in the eye of every Woke idiot and far-left loon.
Hopefully this pronouncement will be followed by real action against the criminal behavior of the trans industry and their surgical and pharmaceutical mutilations of children. Doctors and therapists and social workers who push this vile criminal behavior need to go to jail. And let's toss in Big Pharma for good measure.
Did anyone have "The official position of the United States government is that there are only two genders: male and female" on their dance card for 2025?
I sure didn't, and it is great and welcome news. Let us all look forward to more obvious and simple statements that will propel us back to some semblance of sanity!
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]