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January 16, 2025
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
The 2nd Amendment is clear:
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
Nothing in there about taking away our God-given natural rights to self defense and defense against tyranny on the word of some pissed-off neighbor or coworker or angry ex-wife. Nothing about civil proceedings or overzealous cops deciding that we aren't capable of exercising those rights.
Hell...at this point in my 2nd Amendment evolution I am unsure about felons being denied those rights! They are tried, convicted, and sentenced. When they are released, it should be as citizens with the rights (and obligations) of everyone else. They paid their debt to society...why keep them as second class citizens?
But Pam Bondi seems to think that even people who have not been convicted of any crime can be denied those rights, using so-called "red flag laws," and that is a profoundly flawed interpretation of the Constitution.
And even more troubling is her suggestion that finding some accommodation with the gun grabbers and the Democrat/Progressive cabal in the interest of (you know what's coming!) THE CHILDREN, is okay.
Pam Bondi on gun control: It's about finding common ground
Watch the video.
"Finding common ground" is what has gotten us to this point. I want no part of the common ground of the Democrat/Progressive machine and its 100 year drive to destroy American Exceptionalism and the rule of law, and replace it with a communitarian, freedom-destroying, socialist miasma.
Does America want the pseudo-safety of East Germany of the 1980s, or the Soviet Union of the 1950s? Or even worse, as societies move along the arc of socialism, and even basic services (such as they are) break down, that temporary safety and security disappears completely. Just look at Venezuela for a fine example! And of course the reality in socialist countries is that there was and is plenty of crime, just no means to protect oneself from it!
Am I suggesting that Pam Bondi is a crypto-communist who is just itching to bring Stalinism to America? No, of course not. And will she be a welcome change from the true Stalinist we have had for four years? Absolutely.
But... I would prefer that Bondi respects the plain language of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment, and avoid the temptations of throwing more constitutionally suspect laws and more restrictions on our freedoms at problems that are perfectly well covered by existing law. I would prefer that she respects the primacy of the individual and his rights, and refrain from accepting any constraints on the 2nd Amendment, and in fact roll back the insanity of ATF regulations that were designed by those "common ground" folk across the aisle to do one thing; restrict our rights so that government has all of the power.
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]