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Daily News Stuff 14 November 2024 »
November 13, 2024
Wednesday Overnight Open Thread - November 13 2024 [TRex]
While wandering around AoS HQ this evening, I found a set of keys. The attached keychain has a tag with three letters - ONT. You know what that means, kids? Yep. Fire up the hot rod and take it for a spin. Hooray!
Welcome to the Wednesday ONT. This the Hammer of Justice edition.
Top photo: oak trees with Spanish Moss at Wormsloe State Historic Site near Savannah, Georgia.
Yogi and Boo Boo are not amused. Maybe they travel via private jet these days.
This is a real Mercedes ad in Mexico in 2016:
Display of CSM (Command Sergeant Major) George A. Vidrine Seniors Military Awards. These are the history of the military career of CSM Vidrine. They are from the three Wars he served in: WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. It includes the Silver Star; Legion of Merit; Six Bronze Star Medals all with the V for Valor; Ten Purple Hearts from WWII, Korea and Vietnam. His three Combat Infantryman's Badges, Glider Wings Badge; Basic Parachutist Badge, Senior Parachutist Badge and the Master Parachutist Badge. Six Air Medals, Four Army Commendation Medals and other awards. The picture at the upper left was of him at age 16 in the Texas Army National Guard. The picture on upper right is as a Command Sergeant Major with all of his awards.
Link to Arlington National Cemetery bio with more info.
A large rock sits in the center of campus at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. It is a blank canvas and available for painting on a first come, first served basis. Some efforts are artistic, others are...ummm....less so. Themes typically include upcoming events and big football games. This was the mural the students painted for Veterans Day 2024. Proof that the kids are alright (at least some kids)...
There was conversation in the overnight open thread last night sparked by Doof and his outing in Baltimore to see Iron Maiden in concert. Click through if you are a Maiden fan. Keep scrolling if not.
This is not the Hobby Thread. Any resemblance to the Hobby Thread is strictly coincidental. Take in small doses. Use for entertainment purposes only. Written correspondence can be sent to moronhobbies at protonmail dot com. Remember the Golden Rule - Thou Shalt Stay Out of the Left Lane Unless Thou Art Passing.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:00 PM
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