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November 14, 2024
The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition
Was the entire state of California dropped on its collective head in the late 1990s? They went from George Deukmejian and Pete Wilson (two solid governors) to Gray Davis! And then it got worse!
Is there a more dysfunctional state and a more dysfunctional voting base than California? Yes...yes, Illinois and New Jersey are in the discussion, but for pure, unadulterated stupidity, and voting against self-interest, it is hard to beat California. Add in the unbelievably corrupt and monstrous state government, and California should retire the trophy for most f*cked up state.
But give the good voters of California their due. They do not rest on their laurels. They are charging into the fray, confident that they will not only retain their title, but cement it in history!
Poll Shows Kamala Harris as Frontrunner for California Governorship
Harris’s commanding lead in a hypothetical 2026 California gubernatorial race is likely partly due to her near-universal name recognition and elevated voter interest following the 2024 presidential race. “Nearly all voters in this state have an opinion of her, and that’s really the big advantage that she brings to an early poll,” said Mark DiCamillo, director of UC Berkeley’s IGS Poll. “None of the other candidates are as well known to the voting public.”
Is it possible that the absolutely spectacular failure of a presidential campaign that was fabulously wealthy, supported by the entire media and most of corporate America went unnoticed by California's voters? Was the surf particularly good this summer and fall? Maybe the Humboldt Gold crop was just fantastic?
Or...fuel and power is so expensive that the Golden State (hah!) saved money by not watching TV? It is difficult to understand that Chlamydia Harris is seen even by the amiable retards of California as a viable candidate for anything, much less governor. And of course the reality is that there are no other candidates because California's current idiot, Gavin Newsome, is term limited, and no lunatics have thrown their propeller beanies into the ring. So Harris is it...for now.
Obviously it is early, and it would be truly shocking if her abject failure as a vice president and then presidential candidate went unnoticed, even by California's LIVs. But there is a sort of delicious symmetry if she went from one failure to another. I guess it is possible that she could attract enough money to conduct a viable campaign. After all, there are plenty of stupid billionaires. But who would work on that campaign? Supposedly she stiffed her presidential campaign workers of their last paychecks, and the rumor mill is filled with stories of exactly how poorly planned and out of touch she and her campaign were.
My guess is that she will ride off into the sunset with some board memberships, maybe a no-show job at a major university, and after a cooling off period (it's called detox by most of us) onto the lecture circuit for some easy cash.
Come on California! Show us what you are made of...HARRIS 2026!
[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]