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October 25, 2024
Fifth Circuit: Only Ballots Received by Election Day May Be Counted; It Is Illegal and Unconstitutional To Count "Votes" Recieved After Election Day
The left has been fighting to count votes received four or five or more days after the constitutionally-specified election day.
This appeals court covers Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. It doesn't cover that state I mentioned the other day that will count votes four days after the election. However, this ruling could cause other courts to adopt this rule, or the Supreme Court to impose it on them.
The below tweet is incorrect -- a circuit appeals court's decision is only binding on the jurisdictions of the circuit. Sometimes a rinky-dink trail court judge will claim a decision binds the entire nation everywhere. We call those "Hawaiian judges." I've noticed a lot of those decisions get vacated.
We'll have to see. There aren't many days left for litigation!

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
06:54 PM
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