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October 04, 2024

The Morning Report — 10/4/24


Good Morning Kids. Well, for the Mrs. Pimp-Slap (Kamala to you) campaign it looks like one step forward and maybe one step back. Oh glory be! The Johnny-Friendly on the spot ILA union boss. The one who owns yachts has convinced (I assume via the Corleone Family defininition of that word) the rank and file whose livelihoods and pensions he controls to delay their strike until mid January. Long after the election and presumably when the next president will have been installed. Should she lose, no doubt the ILA has marching orders from the powers that be to get back on the picket lines to further sabotage the economy before the next Trump miracle can even begin to right the ship.

Look, I don't begrudge the ILA prexy for being wealthy (assuming he legitimately earned his wealth and not by wetting his beak, nor being in the pocket of crooked pols and/or mobsters. Nor do I necessarily have animosity towards the rank and file for wanting a raise, especially when the economy is tanking and hard times are hitting everyone. That said, your union backs Leftists and Democrats since forever and they are the ones that have sold you and all of us out. On top of that is, forgetting your insane demands, you made a contract and you have the legal and moral obligation to abide by your words. Same thing applies to student loan so-called forgiveness.

As for one step back, the head, the highly coveted endorsement from the firefighters union will not be given to Harris.

“As we have over our 106-year history, the IAFF will continue its work to improve the lives of firefighters and their families,” Kelly continued, contending that the Executive Board determined that “we are better able to advocate for our members and make progress on the issues that matter to them if we, as a union, are standing shoulder-to-shoulder.”

“This decision, which we took very seriously, is the best way to preserve and strengthen our unity,” he continued, encouraging members to get out and “make their voices heard in the upcoming election.”

. . . This non-endorsement comes as a huge blow to the Harris-Walz ticket; the union endorsed President Biden prior to the 2020 presidential election. . . “American workers were safer and better off when President Trump was in office – rank-and-file workers know it, and that is why they will ignore their union bosses and will vote for the Trump-Vance ticket on November 5,” he added.

Meanwhile, as bodies are still being pulled out of the mud and the trees in Appalachia, we once again have ideologically driven incompetence on full display.

It's not just the piddly $750 being handed out by FEMA to residents in North Carolina and other states whose homes were destroyed in Hurricane Helene. (A similar amount was handed out to residents of Lahaina, Hawaii, after their town was destroyed by fire.) It's the lethal incompetence.

Just as cops taking orders from state government officials blocked Lahaina residents in cars from escaping the inferno -- the only survivors were those who defied them and drove through the blockades -- FEMA officials from the federal government are doing all they can to block the delivery of aid to people in the hardest hurricane-hit rural areas, where people need food, water, medicine, shelter and everything else and have been completely cut off from civilization. They're actually stopping them, as if they were trespassers and saying just trust the government.
That might work when people have time, but these hurricane victims don't have time. Their need for aid is immediate.

One aid worker explains why that may be, and it's a doozy of a story . . . Inefficiency, waste and an absence of leadership all around.
That would be so even if they hadn't blown their budget on illegals, which Sens. Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, and the very sharp crowd in hurricane-vulnerable Florida first noticed last May -- I wrote about that here.
But the blown budget raises severe questions about their priorities -- North Carolina's taxpayers paid into that federal program to help people hit by natural disasters, and FEMA chose to pay instead for the housing and feeding of foreign nationals who have no legal right nor legitimate business being in this country. That ought to be a firing offense and it would be if this were the private sector, or most any other administration than the Biden-Harris one, where incompetence is encouraged.
If FEMA can't do the job it's tasked with, and a disaster is unfolding, they've got a moral obligation to invite in any and all who can come in and help. That obligation is so strong it ought to be enshrined into law by Congress.

Billions of dollars to import millions of foreign peasants, among them thousands of hardened criminals as well as Islamic terrorists, who want to slit our throats even if Israel were not an historic ally who now is on the verge of changing the trajectory of history in the middle East and potentially the West by handicapping if not ending the 45 year reign of terror, brought to us by Jimmy Carter, of the Iranian mullahs. While the DC Junta tells poor white folks who cling to their guns, religion, and Trump to die in a flood.

Yeah, before the usual chuckleheads start in with the wasting our money on foreign aid (nudge nudge wink-wink Israel), that is an unrelated issue, of which I do agree (certainly in the funding of kleptocracies and anti-American juntas who hate us and stab us in the back. Israel being an historic pro-US bulwark). But the incompetence and ideology that is to blame for why the government is so inept at dealing with disasters, natural or otherwise is the issue.

And that incompetence and ideology, in the drive for absolute power, also leads to this:

Eva Edl is a survivor. The 89-year-old widow grew up in the former Yugoslavia, where she saw the horrors of Communism firsthand. She came to the U.S. because she thought it was a bastion of freedom and liberty, however, she now finds herself facing time in prison for trying to convince women not to kill their unborn babies.
When Edl was six, the Nazis invaded her homeland. Even though her family had German heritage, the Nazis considered her father an “impure Aryan” and sent him to the front lines. As he lay sick in a hospital bed, he sent a message to his family to flee, but they didn’t get the message in time.
“A coup against Yugoslavia's king caused a violent civil war to erupt, emasculating Yugoslavia's defenses even as the powerful Nazi war machine began to drop bombs on them,” Edl’s biography explains. “The nation's communists gradually suppressed the various sects clamoring for power, and displayed such a courageous resistance against the overwhelming Nazi forces that they won the admiration of the Western democracies.” 
The Communists targeted the German-heritage Danube-Swabian people like Edl’s family. Her Hungarian grandmother was initially able to hide her grandchildren, but not for long. The Communists forced Edl’s mother and older siblings into labor camps and sent Edl and her grandmother to a concentration camp.
Amid the grim atmosphere of the Communist concentration camp, where death loomed at every turn, Edl came to faith in Jesus. Somehow, she made her way out and fled to Austria and eventually the U.S. seeking freedom.
In the land of the free, Edl discovered a different kind of horror. While taking an English class in the ‘60s, she learned about abortion. This was before Roe v. Wade, yet Edl recoiled at the idea that a mother would kill her child in the womb. She eventually became a pro-life activist. ..

. . . “Eva felt the call of God to lay down her life to rescue unborn children, just as others laid down their life to rescue her,” her biography explains. “She became a voice for life and justice and an icon in the rescue movement in the United States, where up to 80,000 Christians were arrested blockading abortion clinic entrances in the 80's and 90's. Eva Edl has been arrested 46 times blockading abortion clinics, trying to save babies from death by abortion.”

Last month, Edl was one of seven protesters convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The protesters stood at the entrance to an abortion clinic in Michigan.

“A federal jury convicted seven defendants today of federal civil rights offenses arising out of their blockade of a reproductive health care clinic in Sterling Heights, Michigan, on Aug. 27, 2020,” the Department of Justice announced in August. “The defendants were each convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and a Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act offense” (emphasis added). The DoJ also announced that Edl and one other woman had blocked access to another clinic the following year.

They want us silent, compliant or otherwise out of the way. A prison or a grave. Matters not to the Democrats and Globalists. Any port in a storm. Considering the ILA and Helene, rather a perfect metaphor.

Don't think for a moment that this cannot happen here, because from everything I can see, we are well on the way to it:

A former militant group leader whose organization was affiliated with the Weathermen terrorists and monitored by the FBI now leads a small but influential group of White House policymakers championed by Vice President Kamala Harris.

The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council was created in the first week of the Biden-Harris administration as part of the White House’s effort to, according to an executive order, "increase the federal government’s efforts to address current and historic environmental injustice." The group is composed of individuals appointed by the president who, the White House states, "have knowledge about or experience in environmental justice, climate change, disaster preparedness, or racial inequity, among other areas of expertise."

Leading those individuals is a man named Richard Moore, who co-chairs the council. His brief biography provided by the Environmental Protection Agency describes him as a "widely respected national leader in the area of environmental justice" who "has served on numerous government and nongovernmental committees and panels."

. . . Moore’s earliest political activities, records show, appear to begin in the 1960s. Moore cofounded a militant group modeled after the Black Panthers in Albuquerque called the Black Berets, archives hosted at the University of New Mexico show.

The Black Berets’ 12-point program included opposing capitalism and the "Amerikkkan Military" while supporting "armed self-defense and armed struggle" as "the only means to liberation." Although the Black Berets’ membership was largely Hispanic, the group affiliated with several far-left groups at the time, including the Weathermen and the Venceremos Brigade, translated to English as "We Shall Triumph."

Moore, along with other members of the Black Berets, soon formally joined the Venceremos Brigade. An offshoot of the far-left Students for a Democratic Society, the brigade was founded for the purpose of American leftists to aid the new communist government in Cuba. Moore eventually served on the brigade’s national committee.

And this is just one thug, in a government that is chock full of them. Along with the usual go-along to get-along idlers and hacks in every department and agency, up to and including the most sensitive and crucial to our personal and national security. Depending of course on who gets to define those terms.

When the meaning of words, and indeed who gets to use what words for what purpose is controlled by the Left, it's a short walk to being arrested for inciting terrorism just for disagreeing with the powers that be. What Shitcan Chutkan and Jack Smith are doing right now against Trump all by itself is a huge flashing warning sign that the first Amendment is on life support, if not dead as it is.

Lastly, your support in hitting the tip jar is greatly appreciated.

Have a good weekend. And God be with everyone affected by Helene. And all of you!


  • Eva Edl is a survivor. The 89-year-old widow grew up in the former Yugoslavia, where she saw the horrors of Communism firsthand. She came to the U.S. because she thought it was a bastion of freedom and liberty, however, she now finds herself facing time in prison for trying to convince women not to kill their unborn babies. . . “A federal jury convicted seven defendants today of federal civil rights offenses arising out of their blockade of a reproductive health care clinic in Sterling Heights, Michigan, on Aug. 27, 2020,” the Department of Justice announced in August. “The defendants were each convicted of a felony conspiracy against rights and a Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act offense” (emphasis added). The DoJ also announced that Edl and one other woman had blocked access to another clinic the following year.
    She Survived Nazism and Communism, but Eva Edl Could Die in Prison for Pro-Life Protests
  • Douglas Murray: Look around the media and you see the same problem everywhere. Much of the media will tell you that they regard their job as being to decide what is true and what is false. But the problem is that most of them aren’t any good at the task they set themselves. In Britain the national broadcaster — the BBC — recently set up a special department called “BBC Verify” which is meant to “fact-check” content across the media. But they can’t even get the BBC’s own facts right. On issue after issue — foreign and domestic — “BBC Verify” has overseen verifiably untrue stories. I understand the panic in these media institutions.
    ‘Fact check’ has become just another word for censorship

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:09 AM

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