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September 20, 2024

The Morning Report — 9/20/24


Good Morning Kids. While Israel literally made heads, along with the crotches of several thousand dark age savages explode, something that happened a few days earlier that figuratively made my head explode got lost in the sauce of that event, along with the continued push to cook America's goose, via mass migration of the third world into our nation, via assassination attempts against Donald Trump, and persecution of those who threaten the Democrat-Left-Globalist finally achieving absolute power via the dissolution of America as founded. And every other subversion and criminal act up to and including treason via the corrupted courts, election thievery and the Deep State bureaucracy, from the lowliest apparatchik and toilet attendant in the office of the department of redundancy department right up the chain of command to the heads of the CIA, DOJ, State Department and whoever is in fact running the Executive Branch, since Joey Sponge-Brain Shits Pants has the brain function of a spoiled container of yogurt and the Cackler is too busy cackling.

So, with that perhaps overly verbose intro, look what we allowed to happen:

The United Nations is currently made up of 193 member nations and two permanent non-member observer states: Vatican City and the “State of Palestine.” The Palestinians, however, are on their way to full member status. The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that “Palestinians took a seat among member states at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, a new right accorded to the Palestinian Authority’s delegation despite it not being a full member of the body.” This is how the UN responds to jihad terrorism: by rewarding those who engage in it.

The initiative to give the “State of Palestine” a seat in the General Assembly began six months after Palestinians murdered 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. “In May,” the Times of Israel notes, “an overwhelming majority of the General Assembly asserted that Palestinians deserved full membership, a move that has been blocked by the United States, which along with Israel says recognition of Palestinian statehood must come through a peace agreement.” One of the conditions of Palestinian statehood has always been that the “State of Palestine” recognizes Israel’s right to exist and pledges to live in peace with it. That is something that Palestinian leaders have never been willing to do. Nevertheless, the UN charged ahead with the plans to reward the Palestinians, apparently under the delusion that a Palestinian state would end all the strife. Thus, “starting with the 79th General Assembly session, which began Tuesday, the Palestinians can submit proposals and amendments, and sit among member states.” Riyad Mansour, the envoy of the “State of Palestine” to the UN, “took his place on Tuesday afternoon at a table marked “State of Palestine” between Sri Lanka and Sudan.”Egyptian Ambassador Osama Mahmoud Abdelkhalek Mahmoud was thrilled, saying, “This is not merely a procedural matter. This is a historic moment for us.” Jonathan Miller, deputy Israel ambassador to the UN, was more realistic, observing that “any decision and or action that improves the status of the Palestinians, either in the UN General Assembly or bilaterally, is currently a reward… for terrorism in general and the Hamas terrorists in particular.” 

The United States could have and should have used its power and influence to block this. Considering that over the past four years, the junta ruling this nation has done everything to not only replace Israel with Iran as the major power in the Middle East, let alone cede our role as the lone superpower in the world, and for better or worse, the guarantor of international security to the Red Chinese, if not our own national security right along with it .

I had rather high hopes that, perhaps because of Donald Trump and other factors, that some in the Muslim world would if not abandon Islam's central tenet of wiping Israel off the map and every Jew on the planet along with it in it's 1,500-year drive to conquer said third rock from the sun, then perhaps moderate it, if for no other reason than practical diplomatic and security necessities. In particular, of all people and places MBS and the KSA. This was due in no small part to the masterstroke of Trump's Abraham Accords.

Alas, this story depresses me for what it could portend:

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), de facto chief executive of Saudi Arabia, on Wednesday condemned the “crimes of the Israeli occupation” against Palestinians.
“The Palestinian cause is a top priority for Saudi Arabia, and we reiterate the kingdom’s rejection and strong condemnation of the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation authorities against the Palestinian people, in disregard of international and humanitarian law in a new and bitter chapter of suffering,” he said.

“The kingdom will not stop its tireless work towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and we affirm that the kingdom will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel without that,” he declared.

“We extend our thanks to the countries that recognised the Palestinian state in embodiment of international legitimacy, and we urge the rest of the countries to take similar steps,” he said.
The crown prince, known by his initials MBS, made his remarks in his annual address to the Consultative Assembly of Saudi Arabia, more commonly called the Shura Council.

The Saudis, and indeed much if not most of the Islamic world could care less about the so-called "Palestinians" except insofar as they could use them as a means to beat up on Israel diplomatically. Which is why the myth of Palestine the nation and Palestinians as a people was created in KGB HQ back in the 60s. Remember that, despite the fact that Israel and Jews have either been an independent nation or existed on the land that is the modern state of Israel for nearly six millennia. Despite the preternatural Jew hatred in the Koran, another central tenet of that horrid book is that once any land that is controlled by Muslims (either legitimately/hisorically or via bloody conquest), it must always stay that way. So the fact that the modern state of Israel was formed in the wake of the Ottoman Turks losing it after the First world War (although it took 31 years from '17 to forty-eight) is in Muslim eyes, an "infamnia."

Psaki-psircling back to the junta's drive to supplant Israel with Iran, remember that the Sunni/Shia schism is as deep as the hatred of Jews and infidels common to both. Perhaps MBS senses that the ascendancy of Harris/Walz could mean Iran getting a nuke. So making nice noises about Hamas/Hezbollah could be their way of placating the Mad Mullahs of Tehran, at least for now. But the latter would have no compunction about turning Riyadh into a glass parking lot. And a convenient fatwa against the House of Saud for consorting with Jews would sadly resonate across much if not all of the Muslim world.

Dangerous times ahead.

Have a great weekend.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 06:37 AM

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