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September 06, 2024

America First Legal Sues Every County in Arizona to Force Them, as the Law Requires, to Remove All Illegal Aliens from the Voter Rolls


In case you're not on Musk's wavelength: It's a troll. He's pretending that liberals should support voter-integrity measures because of course it's Trump and the Republicans who cheat in elections. That's why Republicans always want to stop vote cheating, and Democrats fight to keep it.

Before getting to that, some more legal news: Corrupt judge Merchan, whose daughter continues fundraising off her father's efforts to jail Trump, has postponed the sentencing until after the election.

Judge Juan Merchan decided to postpone former President Trump's sentencing in New York v. Trump until after the November presidential election.

Trump's sentencing date is now scheduled for Nov. 26. The original date was set for Sept. 18.

"The public's confidence in the integrity of our judicial system demands a sentencing hearing that is entirely focused on the verdict of the jury and the weighing of aggravating and mitigating factors free from distraction or distortion," Merchan said in a letter Friday.

I can't wait 'til Alvin Bragg, Merchan, "Tish" James, and the judge who oversaw the "business crimes" prosecution learn that political prosecutions GO BOTH WAYS. They need to be investigated by the DOJ for conspiracy to Defraud the People of the US of an election (that's the same charge the DOJ slaps Trump and J6 defendants with), and need to go to jail when -- not if -- they lie about contacts with Biden's DOJ and strategists from the Democrat Party.

I will not be one of the Soft Sisters whining that Trump must be "above it all" and "restore norms." I will be one of the people demanding that those who attempted to rig an election through lawfare experience the tender mercies of lawfare themselves.

On to the headline story:

America First Legal is suing every single county in Arizona to force them, very much against their will, to take proven illegal aliens off the voter rolls.

The Democrat Party, which is all about "protecting our precious democracy," is determined to keep illegal aliens on the rolls.

Not that they'd vote or anything! Heaven forfend! They just want their names on the voter roll as... I don't know, like an "Honorary Voter" status, maybe?

Via Twitchy:

America First Legal @America1stLegal


We are suing ALL 15 counties in Arizona for refusing to remove illegals from their voter rolls. This follows our lawsuit against Maricopa.

Every county in AZ is flagrantly defying its duty under state law to expunge illegal voters...

See the thread for screencaps of relevant caselaw and documents. I'll be omitting all that here.

/2 On July 17, we sent letters on behalf of our clients demanding that election officials in all 15 AZ counties fulfill their legal obligations to prevent aliens from voting and warning them that if they failed to do so, we would pursue legal action on behalf of our clients.

/3 On August 6, 2024, we sued the Maricopa County Recorder on behalf of Strong Communities Foundation of Arizona and Yvonne Cahill, a registered voter and naturalized citizen, for brazenly refusing to comply with the law.

/4 The claims in the lawsuit were based on Arizona state laws that require county recorders to do monthly voter list maintenance to remove foreign citizens from voter rolls.

/5 Nevertheless, Maricopa County removed the case to federal court, arguing that the case also involved federal laws that, in the county's view, should be interpreted in federal court. Maricopa County is notorious for employing procedural maneuvers to delay election cases and keep them from being heard on the merits.

Here's a fun wrinkle: by removing the case to federal court, Maricopa gave America First Legal the right to sue every county in the state to compel the action to remove illegal aliens from the voter rolls.

/6 However, Maricopa County's attempts here have backfired.

Arizona state court rules only allow for one county to be sued in a case like this, whereas federal court rules allow a plaintiff to sue more than one county at a time.

/7 Now that our clients are in federal court, we added the other 14 counties in Arizona to the lawsuit to ensure that every county in the state is compelled to fulfill its statutory duties.

/8 Two federal statutes that have been in effect for nearly thirty years, 8 U.S.C. sec. 1373(c) and 8 U.S.C. sec. 1644, allow State and local officials to obtain information about the citizenship or immigration status of any individual for any lawful purpose.

/9 Yet, counties in Arizona have decided to ignore these tools and threaten the integrity of the 2024 Presidential election by failing to remove foreign nationals from their voter rolls.

We are taking action.

America First Legal's announcement is here.

Congress needs to pass -- or they think they need to pass -- a continuing budget resolution to prevent a shut-down.

Mike Johnson has agreed, but he's adding the SAVE Act, which demands voter identification in federal elections, as part of the bill.

Chuck Schumer keeps saying that Johnson can't do that, but won't say why such an obviously-necessary provision is so hateful to the Voter Fraud Left.

Oops, I guess I gave it away. Spoiler alert.

Weaselly Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his refusal to say why he opposes a House bill that would include a requirement of proof of citizenship to register to vote, which is bipartisan.

When asked whether he would support it -- and having it pointed out that five Democrat House members voted for the SAVE Act back in July -- Schumer began spamming out crap about "poison pills."

Look, Speaker Johnson should learn from the past, you can only keep the government fund[ed] in a bipartisan way. You can't have a group of Republicans, particularly led by right-wing, hard-nosed Republicans who don't even represent the whole Republican Party, put together a proposal with all kinds of poison pill legislation in it and then say, this is what has to pass. That bill may not even pass the House. I think there are some Republicans who might vote against it.

Mike Miller of RedState points out:

Um, Chuck? The House passed a nationwide proof of citizenship bill -- the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act -- with a 221-198 vote on July 10, with 216 Republicans and five Democrats voting for its passage.

Schumer again said that he would block any such bill, but continues to not say why:

It certainly has no chance in the Senate or no chance of being signed by the president. So, Speaker Johnson, look at what's going on, you can't pass a bill unless we come together on a bipartisan agreement, that's what each -- has happened each time in the past. You've tried to appease your right wing, it's failed, and you've had to come to us and negotiate. We're ready to negotiate a bipartisan deal.

Whitworth continued to push: "Some Democrats do support it, though. And what about it would not pass through the Senate?"

Again, Chuck refused to answer, further twisting himself into a an illogical pretzel, circling back to the "poison pills" excuse.

Schumer claims "if you're not a citizen, you can't vote."

But you can vote as a non-citizen, Chuck -- many do. They're not allowed to, but they do.

Because you've allowed them to.

Rick Scott declares that if the government shuts down, it's because Chuck Schumer wants illegal aliens to continue illegally voting.

You'll never, ever guess which Republican is allying himself with Chuck Schumer to block the SAVE Act from being added to the funding bill.

I'll give you a hint: He has no chin, he's paid by China, and sometimes he glitches publicly for 20 or more second straight.

While there is bipartisan agreement that there will likely need to be a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government funded past Sept. 30, House conservatives and a Democrat-led Senate are headed for a showdown amid efforts on both sides regarding barring noncitizens from voting. And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's name is being reported as being against adding the stricter voting requirement measure to the funding bill.

"McConnell staffers have urged conservatives in the Senate and the House to keep the precedent of passing clean short-term-funding bills and argued that using a potential shutdown to try to score political points is dangerous before the election, sources said," according to Axios.

"Their involvement in this latest push shows he's not taking a back seat in high-level negotiations even though he plans to step down as leader after the election," the outlet added.



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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:00 PM

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