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Ace of Spades Pet Thread, September 7 »
September 07, 2024
Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, Sept. 7
Happy Saturday! Labor Day is over. Do you feel summer leaving? The photo above, from Diana, reminds me that some flowers still survive in the garden. But our hottest day of the week has been postponed by forecasters until today. It's not the same without those hot nights, though.
Edible Gardening/Putting Things By
Hello KT,
A few years ago I got seeds to grow a black goji, I tried off and on for a few years to get one to go and I never got one to start. Last year I came across the seeds and I decided I was going to plant all the seeds that were left in one pot and if I got one great, if not at least I didn't have the seed packet anymore, and the seeds were old. Lo and behold ONE took. It is now over a year old and I finally got some fruit. I will say that the black goji fruit is much better than the regular. I think the regular goji is pretty astringent, but the black is definitely sweeter. I have attached a couple of pictures. It is a pretty thorny bugger as well. My regular goji doesn't have thorns. Wondering if anyone else has a black goji?
Fascinating. Thorny and black.
Ah, Nature
Is love in the air in your yard? I haven't seen our toads in a couple of weeks. I think they are hiding from the heat. But these are frogs.
From Diana:
The centipede pic is of a type that I see fairly frequently in one location. They are 4-6" + long.
Looks kinda like a millipede to me. Don't try to make it lift one foot at a time.
Good morning,
Long time lurker Harrison Flint here. My sister in law sent me the attached photo of praying mantis's (manti? mantises?) in her rose moss. Thought it was a great image.
Take care,
Glad to see you de-lurk! Great photo!
Wonder if they are close to mating?
What to do with those grow lights after the season is over:
How to make shadow puppets
1930 article, Modern Mechanix
You might actually want to think twice about this adventure:
Topiary, Montreal Botanical Garden
(Everything Beautiful and Amazing)
Gardens of The Horde
Thistle (see top photo) and a pear tree framed in a gazebo. From Diana.
She decided to send in some photos of "garden problems". Here's one. Any experiences, tips or suggestions?
Pears - Korean pears are good, resistant to most things except for concerted attacks from yellow jackets. Anjou, bosc, etc. are good but need spraying. I only use copper or sulphur compounds and they generally work pretty well. Japanese pears tend to sag and need staking. The fruit also cracks - see pic - which is a problem. Not recommended unless one wants to stake and spray with don't know what.
Anything going on in your garden?
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
If you would like to send photos, stories, links, etc. for the Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, the address is:
ktinthegarden at g mail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Week in Review
What has changed since last week's thread? Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, August 31
Any thoughts or questions?
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.